SERVER STARTS : 17.07.2019

GMT+2 14:00

Server name: SlateMU
Version: Season 14 Part 2
Time work: 24/7
Dedicated server: YES

Location: Europe

Max Normal Level: 1000
Max Master Level: 1050
Drop: 60 %
Jewel of Soul: 70 % + (25 % Luck)
Jewel od Bless: 100 %
Jewel of Life: 80%
Max lvl item: +15+28
Webshop: YES
CashShop: YES
Hours Online Exchange: YES

Mu Helper: YES
Trade item with Harmony Option: Yes
Guild: 180 lvl
Max alliance in guild: 0
Max players in guild: 40
Dark Knight: 1 lvl
Dark Wizzard: 1 lvl
Elf: 1 lvl
Summoner: 1 lvl
Magic Gladiator: 1 lvl
Dark Lord: 1 lvl
Rage Fighter: 1 lvl
Grow Lancer: 1 lvl
Rune Wizard: 1 lvl

Website link :

Normal / Marlon Quest:
Dark Knight: 10/12
Dark Wizard: 10/12
Elf: 10/12
Summoner: 10/12
Magic Gladiator: 15
Dark Lord: 15
Rage Fighter: 15
Grow Lancer: 15
Rune Wizard: 10/12

Vote Free Credits System

/post - message to actual GS
/gpost - global post
/str - to add strength points
/agi- add agility points
/vit - add vitality points
/ene - add energy points
/cmd - add command points
/pkclear - clear PK status
/wh 0-2 - switch wares
/war <guild name> - propose Guild War
/endwar - stop Guild War Battle
/marry - propose a marry to other player
/accept - accept marry
/tracemarry - teleports to your marriage partner
/divorce - take divorce
/requests (on/off) - define to display all duel and trade request or refuse all by default
/level - display character info
/cleareventinv - clear event inventory from all items
/socstop - stop Battle Soccer match
/battlesoccer - challenge opposite guild for a battle
/crew - Display Game Masters online
/dcfriend - disconnect specified character

Blood Castle: YES
Devil Square: YES
Chaos Castle: YES
Illusion Temple: YES
Doppelganger: YES
Imperial Fort: YES
White Wizard: YES
Golden Invasion: YES
Happy Hour Event: YES
Protection od Acheron: YES
Maze of Dimension: YES
Castle Siege: YES
Arca War: YES

Balgass Event: YES
Nightmare Event: YES
Hatchery Event: YES
Medusa: YES
Lord of Ferea: YES
Core Magriffy: YES
Lord Silvester: YES
Nix: YES
God of Darkness: YES


Website link :

› See More: SlateMU | Season 14 ep 2 | 50x No Reset | 17.7.19 GMT+2 14:00