Originally posted by Lautaro
WebEngine 1.0.9

WebEngine is now licensed under the MIT license:
The MIT License | Open Source Initiative

[Core] reorganized webengine core
 [Core] config.php file removed and replaced with webengine.json (configs)
 [Core] webengine configurations are now loaded directly through json file
 [Core] encryption class removed
 [Core] added website configurations check
 [Template] updated default template
 [Template] added bootstrap cdn
 [Fix] fixed minor issues throughout the engine
 [Fix] fixed guild profile logo display
 [Improvement] guilds ranking will now display list even if score is 0
 [Security] added error handling in ranking modules
 [Improvement] added gens ranks configuration
 [Core] rankings class optimized
 [Improvement] added increment rate configuration to buy zen module
 [Security] added filter to check user input on amount of credits to exchange
 [Improvement] added content check on downloads module
 [Fix] fixed castle siege banner not displaying guild logo correctly
 [Fix] fixed castle siege module not displaying guild logo correctly
 [Fix] fixed link to guild on castle siege module
 [Api] added new api for version check
 [Core] added support for formatted language phrases
 [Improvement] removed direct credit display in myaccount module
 [Security] added error handling and optimized most usercp modules
 [Improvement] optimized server file support system
 [Template] donation logos updated
 [Feature] added paymentwall donation api
 [Fix] fixed issue with voting system not allowing username identifier in credit configuration
 [Other] faq module removed
 [Improvement] RewriteEngine turned off in admincp and api directories
 [Core] moved languages folder to includes directory
 [Core] moved cron folder to includes directory
 [Template] navbar is now configurable from a json file
 [Template] usercp is now configurable from a json file
 [Template] template settings file removed
 [Core] functions moved to single file at includes folder
 [Core] added language debugging
 [Template] added login box to sidebar
 [Template] added youtube video block example on sidebar
 [Template] added facebook page block example on sidebar
 [Api] added server time api
 [Api] added castle siege countdown api
 [Template] created main.js for template javascript
 [Core] added server time php configuration to webengine core
 [Core] removed deprecated pagseguro library
 [Core] added missing configurations for change email module
 [AdminCP] added missing module for change email configurations
 [Improvement] change email now allows disabling verification (not recommended)
 [Core] added missing configurations for forgot password module
 [AdminCP] added missing module for forgot password configurations
 [Security] patched possible sql injection hole
 [Security] added current credit check when subtracting credits (credit system)
 [Feature] added new VIP library for IGCN compatibility
 [Improvement] added new display configuration for credit system
 [Security] fixed login system not terminating inactive sessions
 [Improvement] install setup completed
 [Improvement] added support for recaptcha v2
 [AdminCP] database connection settings are now editable from the admincp
 [AdminCP] website settings are now editable from the admincp
 [Improvement] email system now detects server name automatically for email subjects
 [Improvement] list of excluded characters from rankings is now at the module configuration
 [AdminCP] admincp access list now editable from the admincp
 [AdminCP] admincp modules access level is now editable from the admincp
 [Improvement] server name variable now loaded by default on all emails
 [AdminCP] usercp menu can now be edited from the admincp
 [AdminCP] added language phrase list module
 [AdminCP] navigation menu can now be edited from the admincp
 [Core] removed build id from version check api request
 [AdminCP] favicon added
 [Core] updated phpmailer library version 5.2.23
 [Improvement] added json extension check to installer
 [Improvement] changed php version comparison function on installer (native function)


  1. Uploads all the contents from the ZIP file to your webserver
  2. Run the install script /install/install.php

Releases | WebEngine

GitHub - lautaroangelico/WebEngine: WebEngine is an open-source, fast and secure CMS for private Mu Online game servers.
