AzerothCore repack builder is a tool package where everything included that possible needed to build the server files from source code and create a portable repack. Plus everything scripted, you just need to follow the included batch file's instructions. You just sit down , wait and play.

Maybe usable for those who want to play on the best and latest World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King server emulator.

- Automated installer for Visual Studio 2017 (just the required packages installed)
- Boost 1.67.0
- MySQL-5.7.26 Community Edition
- Git 2.20.0
- Cmake 3.12.2
- OpenSSL 1.1.0

Custom Stuff (optional)
- SoloLFG script

What does the included batch file can do?
- Clone and update the AzerothCore repository from
- Build the server files from source to binaries
- Extract data files from the game (optional)
- Create fresh and update the existing database (optional)
- The batch file create a portable repack with every required files in the final stage of the build script



Credits: conan513