Hello, I've been working on a program since one week ago in microsoft visual C#. Because wow-v doesn't support Trinitycore I made a program for creating trinitycore NPC's. If you want I will also include Items, loot tables, weapons etc... in the program. All up to you.

This Program is still under development. What I will add into this program:
- The red options
- More options (flags, movement, scripts, trainers, vendors, waypoint movement)
- Not only NPC creator but also Item creator.
- Maybe support for mangos and arcemu

- Supports Trinitycore 3.3.3a
- Supports trinitydatabase 333.9.29
- DisplayID finder included
- Saves sql file automaticly to the same directory



Filebeam - Beam up that File Scottie!

Please report bugs if you find them and all suggestions and ideas are welcome!

