i've downloaded Heroes of Northrend - ArcEMu 3.2.0 Funserver repack

i've followed the instruction
Step 1: Locate your Config files
Step 2: Locate realms.conf in config folder
Step 3: Scroll down at the bottom change "REALM NAME" to what ever you wish. Then Save
Step 4: Locate world.conf in config folder
Step 5: Open that folder, scroll down until you see rates change them to what you want them to be. Then Save
Step 6: Locate MySQL and Apache
Step 7: Open MySQL first, then Apache
Step 8: Locate the core were logon.exe is and world.exe is
-C:\repack\core name\logon.exe (May not be called just logon)
-C:\repack\core name\world.exe (May not be called just world)
Step 9: Run logon.exe first then run world.exe
Step 10: Once finished locate your World of Warcraft directory folder
-C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft
Step 11: Locate your realmlist.wtf
-C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS\realmlist.wtf
Step 12: Open realmlist.wtf with notepad.
Step 13: Change your realm list from "set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com" to "set realmlist"
-C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS\realmlist.wtf
Step 12: Then save your realmlist.wtf
Step 13: then open wow.exe
-C:\Users\Public\Games\World of Warcraft\wow.exe
Step 14: Then login as Account: Admin Password: Admin
when i'm on step 6 which is runnin server\MySQL.exe i get this, so what did i miss on...

i've tried asking other forum, they all end up replying "lol, noob"