Hello guys,
I canīt connect on my server. Authserver and Worldserver are starting but i can not connect on the server: It stucks at connection to realm:
Pic-Upload.de - Unbenannts.png

# Trinity Core Auth Server configuration file #

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# Variable
# Description: Brief description what the variable is doing.
# Important: Annotation for important things about this variable.
# Example: "Example, i.e. if the value is a string"
# Default: 10 - (Enabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)
# 0 - (Disabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)
# Note to developers:
# - Copy this example to keep the formatting.
# - Line breaks should be at column 100.
################################################## #################################################

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# LogsDir
# Description: Logs directory setting.
# Important: LogsDir needs to be quoted, as the string might contain space characters.
# Logs directory must exists, or log file creation will be disabled.
# Default: "" - (Log files will be stored in the current path)

LogsDir = ""

# MaxPingTime
# Description: Time (in minutes) between database pings.
# Default: 30

MaxPingTime = 30

# BattlenetPort
# Description: TCP port to reach the auth server for battle.net connections.
# Default: 1119

BattlenetPort = 1119

# LoginREST.Port
# Description: TCP port to reach the REST login method.
# Default: 8081
# LoginREST.ExternalAddress
# Description: IP address sent to clients connecting from outside the network where bnetserver runs
# Set it to your external IP address
# LoginREST.LocalAddress
# Description: IP address sent to clients connecting from inside the network where bnetserver runs
# Set it to your local IP address (common 192.168.x.x network)
# or leave it at default value if connecting directly to the internet without a router
# LoginREST.TicketDuration
# Description: Determines how long the login ticket is valid (in seconds)
# When using client -launcherlogin feature it is recommended to set it to a high value (like a week)

LoginREST.Port = 8081

# BindIP
# Description: Bind auth server to IP/hostname
# Default: "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system)

BindIP = ""

# PidFile
# Description: Auth server PID file.
# Example: "./bnetserver.pid" - (Enabled)
# Default: "" - (Disabled)

PidFile = ""

# CertificatesFile
# Description: Certificates file.
# Example: "/etc/ssl/certs/bnetserver.cert.pem"
# Default: "./bnetserver.cert.pem"

CertificatesFile = "./bnetserver.cert.pem"

# PrivateKeyFile
# Description: Private key file.
# Example: "/etc/ssl/private/bnetserver.key.pem"
# Default: "./bnetserver.key.pem"

PrivateKeyFile = "./bnetserver.key.pem"

# UseProcessors
# Description: Processors mask for Windows and Linux based multi-processor systems.
# Example: A computer with 2 CPUs:
# 1 - 1st CPU only, 2 - 2nd CPU only, 3 - 1st and 2nd CPU, because 1 | 2 is 3
# Default: 0 - (Selected by OS)
# 1+ - (Bit mask value of selected processors)

UseProcessors = 0

# ProcessPriority
# Description: Process priority setting for Windows and Linux based systems.
# Details: On Linux, a nice value of -15 is used. (requires superuser). On Windows, process is set to HIGH class.
# Default: 0 - (Normal)
# 1 - (High)

ProcessPriority = 0

# RealmsStateUpdateDelay
# Description: Time (in seconds) between realm list updates.
# Default: 10
# 0 - (Disabled)

RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 10

# WrongPass.MaxCount
# Description: Number of login attemps with wrong password before the account or IP will be
# banned.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1+ - (Enabled)

WrongPass.MaxCount = 0

# WrongPass.BanTime
# Description: Time (in seconds) for banning account or IP for invalid login attempts.
# Default: 600 - (10 minutes)
# 0 - (Permanent ban)

WrongPass.BanTime = 600

# WrongPass.BanType
# Description: Ban type for invalid login attempts.
# Default: 0 - (Ban IP)
# 1 - (Ban Account)

WrongPass.BanType = 0

# WrongPass.Logging
# Description: Additionally log attempted wrong password logging
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

WrongPass.Logging = 0

# BanExpiryCheckInterval
# Description: Time (in seconds) between checks for expired bans
# Default: 60

BanExpiryCheckInterval = 60

# SourceDirectory
# Description: The path to your TrinityCore source directory.
# If the path is left empty, the built-in CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is used.
# Example: "../TrinityCore"
# Default: ""

SourceDirectory = C:\Users\s0ulpad\Downloads\legion-reworked_updated_by_3raZar3\release

# MySQLExecutable
# Description: The path to your mysql cli binary.
# If the path is left empty, built-in path from cmake is used.
# Example: "C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.6/bin/mysql.exe"
# "mysql.exe"
# "/usr/bin/mysql"
# Default: "E:\xampp\mysql\bin/mysql.exe"

MySQLExecutable = "E:\xampp\mysql\bin/mysql.exe"

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# LoginDatabaseInfo
# Description: Database connection settings for the realm server.
# Example: "hostname;port;username;password;database"
# ".;somenumber;username;password;database" - (Use named pipes on Windows
# "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld]
# section my.ini)
# ".;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database" - (use Unix sockets on
# Unix/Linux)
# Default: ";3306;root;16kl39f9;auth"

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;16kl39f9;auth"

# LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads
# Description: The amount of worker threads spawned to handle asynchronous (delayed) MySQL
# statements. Each worker thread is mirrored with its own connection to the
# MySQL server and their own thread on the MySQL server.
# Default: 1

LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1

# LoginDatabase.SynchThreads
# Description: The amount of MySQL connections spawned to handle.
# Default: 1 - (LoginDatabase.SynchThreads)

LoginDatabase.SynchThreads = 1

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# Updates.EnableDatabases
# Description: A mask that describes which databases shall be updated.
# Following flags are available
# DATABASE_LOGIN = 1, // Auth database
# Default: 0 - (All Disabled)
# 1 - (All Enabled)

Updates.EnableDatabases = 1

# Updates.AutoSetup
# Description: Auto populate empty databases.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.AutoSetup = 1

# Updates.Redundancy
# Description: Perform data redundancy checks through hashing
# to detect changes on sql updates and reapply it.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.Redundancy = 1

# Updates.ArchivedRedundancy
# Description: Check hashes of archived updates (slows down startup).
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Updates.ArchivedRedundancy = 0

# Updates.AllowRehash
# Description: Inserts the current file hash in the database if it is left empty.
# Useful if you want to mark a file as applied but you don't know its hash.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.AllowRehash = 1

# Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount
# Description: Cleans dead/ orphaned references that occur if an update was removed or renamed and edited in one step.
# It only starts the clean up if the count of the missing updates is below or equal the Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount value.
# This way prevents erasing of the update history due to wrong source directory state (maybe wrong branch or bad revision).
# Disable this if you want to know if the database is in a possible "dirty state".
# Default: 3 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)
# -1 - (Enabled - unlimited)

Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount = 3

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# Appender config values: Given a appender "name"
# Appender.name
# Description: Defines 'where to log'
# Format: Type,LogLevel,Flags,optional1,optional2,optional3
# Type
# 0 - (None)
# 1 - (Console)
# 2 - (File)
# 3 - (DB)
# LogLevel
# 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Trace)
# 2 - (Debug)
# 3 - (Info)
# 4 - (Warn)
# 5 - (Error)
# 6 - (Fatal)
# Flags:
# 0 - None
# 1 - Prefix Timestamp to the text
# 2 - Prefix Log Level to the text
# 4 - Prefix Log Filter type to the text
# 8 - Append timestamp to the log file name. Format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS (Only used with Type = 2)
# 16 - Make a backup of existing file before overwrite (Only used with Mode = w)
# Colors (read as optional1 if Type = Console)
# Format: "fatal error warn info debug trace"
# 0 - BLACK
# 1 - RED
# 2 - GREEN
# 3 - BROWN
# 4 - BLUE
# 6 - CYAN
# 7 - GREY
# 8 - YELLOW
# 9 - LRED
# 10 - LGREEN
# 11 - LBLUE
# 13 - LCYAN
# 14 - WHITE
# Example: "13 11 9 5 3 1"
# File: Name of the file (read as optional1 if Type = File)
# Allows to use one "%s" to create dynamic files
# Mode: Mode to open the file (read as optional2 if Type = File)
# a - (Append)
# w - (Overwrite)
# MaxFileSize: Maximum file size of the log file before creating a new log file
# (read as optional3 if Type = File)
# Size is measured in bytes expressed in a 64-bit unsigned integer.
# Maximum value is 4294967295 (4 gb). Leave blank for no limit.
# NOTE: Does not work with dynamic filenames.
# Example: 536870912 (512 mb)


# Logger config values: Given a logger "name"
# Logger.name
# Description: Defines 'What to log'
# Format: LogLevel,AppenderList
# LogLevel
# 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Trace)
# 2 - (Debug)
# 3 - (Info)
# 4 - (Warn)
# 5 - (Error)
# 6 - (Fatal)
# AppenderList: List of appenders linked to logger
# (Using spaces as separator).

Logger.root=3,Console Bnet
Logger.realmlist=3,Console Bnet
Logger.session=3,Console Bnet
Logger.session.packets=3,Console Bnet
Logger.sql.updates=3,Console Bnet

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# Trinity Core World Server configuration file #

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# Variable
# Description: Brief description what the variable is doing.
# Important: Annotation for important things about this variable.
# Example: "Example, i.e. if the value is a string"
# Default: 10 - (Enabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)
# 0 - (Disabled|Comment|Variable name in case of grouped config options)
# Note to developers:
# - Copy this example to keep the formatting.
# - Line breaks should be at column 100.
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# RealmID
# Description: ID of the Realm using this config.
# Important: RealmID must match the realmlist inside the auth database.
# Default: 1

RealmID = 1

# DataDir
# Description: Data directory setting.
# Important: DataDir needs to be quoted, as the string might contain space characters.
# Example: "@prefix@/share/trinitycore"
# Default: "."

DataDir = "."

# LogsDir
# Description: Logs directory setting.
# Important: LogsDir needs to be quoted, as the string might contain space characters.
# Logs directory must exists, or log file creation will be disabled.
# Default: "" - (Log files will be stored in the current path)

LogsDir = ""

# LoginDatabaseInfo
# WorldDatabaseInfo
# CharacterDatabaseInfo
# HotfixDatabaseInfo
# Description: Database connection settings for the world server.
# Example: "hostname;port;username;password;database"
# ".;somenumber;username;password;database" - (Use named pipes on Windows
# "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld]
# section my.ini)
# ".;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database" - (use Unix sockets on
# Unix/Linux)
# Default: "localhost;3306;root;16kl39f9;auth" - (LoginDatabaseInfo)
# "localhost;3306;root;16kl39f9;world2" - (WorldDatabaseInfo)
# "localhost;3306;root;16kl39f9;characters2" - (CharacterDatabaseInfo)
# "localhost;3306;root;16kl39f9;hotfixes" - (HotfixDatabaseInfo)
# Don't change hostname unless you are hosting mysql on a different machine, if you need help
# with configuration allowing to connect from diferent machine than the one running server
# search for TCE00016 on forum.
# Don't open port on firewall to external connections (it belongs to mysql, not to wow server).
# The username you choose must have permisions to create/alter/rename tables.

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;16kl39f9;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;16kl39f9;world2"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;16kl39f9;characters2"
HotfixDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;16kl39f9;hotfixes"

# LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads
# WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads
# CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads
# HotfixDatabase.WorkerThreads
# Description: The amount of worker threads spawned to handle asynchronous (delayed) MySQL
# statements. Each worker thread is mirrored with its own connection to the
# MySQL server and their own thread on the MySQL server.
# Default: 1 - (LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads)
# 1 - (WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads)
# 1 - (CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads)
# 1 - (HotfixDatabase.WorkerThreads)

LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1
WorldDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1
CharacterDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1
HotfixDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1

# LoginDatabase.SynchThreads
# WorldDatabase.SynchThreads
# CharacterDatabase.SynchThreads
# HotfixDatabase.SynchThreads
# Description: The amount of MySQL connections spawned to handle.
# Default: 1 - (LoginDatabase.SynchThreads)
# 1 - (WorldDatabase.SynchThreads)
# 2 - (CharacterDatabase.SynchThreads)
# 1 - (HotfixDatabase.SynchThreads)

LoginDatabase.SynchThreads = 1
WorldDatabase.SynchThreads = 1
CharacterDatabase.SynchThreads = 2
HotfixDatabase.SynchThreads = 1

# MaxPingTime
# Description: Time (in minutes) between database pings.
# Default: 30

MaxPingTime = 30

# WorldServerPort
# Description: TCP port to reach the world server.
# Default: 8085

WorldServerPort = 8085

# InstanceServerPort
# Description: TCP port to for second world connection.
# Default: 8086

InstanceServerPort = 8086

# BindIP
# Description: Bind world server to IP/hostname.
# Default: "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system)

BindIP = ""

# ThreadPool
# Description: Number of threads to be used for the global thread pool
# The thread pool is currently used for:
# - Signal handling
# - Remote access
# - Database keep-alive ping
# - Core freeze check
# - World socket networking
# Default: 2

ThreadPool = 2

# CMakeCommand
# Description: The path to your CMake binary.
# If the path is left empty, the built-in CMAKE_COMMAND is used.
# Example: "C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/bin/cmake.exe"
# "/usr/bin/cmake"
# Default: ""

CMakeCommand = ""

# BuildDirectory
# Description: The path to your build directory.
# If the path is left empty, the built-in CMAKE_BINARY_DIR is used.
# Example: "../TrinityCore"
# Default: ""

BuildDirectory = ""

# SourceDirectory
# Description: The path to your TrinityCore source directory.
# If the path is left empty, the built-in CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is used.
# Example: "../TrinityCore"
# Default: ""

SourceDirectory = ""

# MySQLExecutable
# Description: The path to your mysql cli binary.
# If the path is left empty, built-in path from cmake is used.
# Example: "C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.6/bin/mysql.exe"
# "mysql.exe"
# "/usr/bin/mysql"
# Default: ""

MySQLExecutable = ""

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# UseProcessors
# Description: Processors mask for Windows and Linux based multi-processor systems.
# Example: A computer with 2 CPUs:
# 1 - 1st CPU only, 2 - 2nd CPU only, 3 - 1st and 2nd CPU, because 1 | 2 is 3
# Default: 0 - (Selected by OS)
# 1+ - (Bit mask value of selected processors)

UseProcessors = 0

# ProcessPriority
# Description: Process priority setting for Windows and Linux based systems.
# Details: On Linux, a nice value of -15 is used. (requires superuser).
# On Windows, process is set to HIGH class.
# Default: 0 - (Normal)
# 1 - (High)

ProcessPriority = 0

# RealmsStateUpdateDelay
# Description: Time (in seconds) between realm list updates.
# Default: 10
# 0 - (Disabled)

RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 10

# Compression
# Description: Compression level for client update packages.
# Range: 1-9
# Default: 1 - (Speed)
# 9 - (Best compression)

Compression = 1

# PlayerLimit
# Description: Maximum number of players in the world. Excluding Mods, GMs and Admins.
# Important: If you want to block players and only allow Mods, GMs or Admins to join the
# server, use the DB field "auth.realmlist.allowedSecurityLevel".
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, No limit)
# 1+ - (Enabled)

PlayerLimit = 0

# SaveRespawnTimeImmediately
# Description: Save respawn time for creatures at death and gameobjects at use/open.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Save respawn time immediately)
# 0 - (Disabled, Save respawn time at grid unloading)

SaveRespawnTimeImmediately = 1

# MaxOverspeedPings
# Description: Maximum overspeed ping count before character is disconnected.
# Default: 2 - (Enabled, Minimum value)
# 3+ - (Enabled, More checks before kick)
# 0 - (Disabled)

MaxOverspeedPings = 2

# GridUnload
# Description: Unload grids to save memory. Can be disabled if enough memory is available
# to speed up moving players to new grids.
# Default: 1 - (enable, Unload grids)
# 0 - (disable, Do not unload grids)

GridUnload = 1

# BaseMapLoadAllGrids
# Description: Load all grids for base maps upon load. Requires GridUnload to be 0.
# This will take around 5GB of ram upon server load, and will take some time
# to initially load the server.
# Default: 0 - (Don't pre-load all base maps, dynamically load as used)
# 1 - (Preload all grids in all base maps upon load)

BaseMapLoadAllGrids = 0

# InstanceMapLoadAllGrids
# Description: Load all grids for instance maps upon load. Requires GridUnload to be 0.
# Upon loading an instance map, all creatures/objects in the map will be pre-loaded
# Default: 0 - (Don't pre-load all base maps, dynamically load as used)
# 1 - (Preload all grids in the instance upon load)

InstanceMapLoadAllGrids = 0

# SocketTimeOutTime
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) after which a connection being idle on the character
# selection screen is disconnected.
# Default: 900000 - (15 minutes)

SocketTimeOutTime = 900000

# SessionAddDelay
# Description: Time (in microseconds) that a network thread will sleep after authentication
# protocol handling before adding a connection to the world session map.
# Default: 10000 - (10 milliseconds, 0.01 second)

SessionAddDelay = 10000

# GridCleanUpDelay
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) grid clean up delay.
# Default: 300000 - (5 minutes)

GridCleanUpDelay = 300000

# MapUpdateInterval
# Description: Time (milliseconds) for map update interval.
# Default: 100 - (0.1 second)

MapUpdateInterval = 100

# ChangeWeatherInterval
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) for weather update interval.
# Default: 600000 - (10 min)

ChangeWeatherInterval = 600000

# PlayerSaveInterval
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) for player save interval.
# Default: 90000 - (90 seconds)

PlayerSaveInterval = 90000

# PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel
# Description: Minimum level for saving character stats in the database for external usage.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, Do not save character stats)
# 1+ - (Enabled, Level beyond which character stats are saved)

PlayerSave.Stats.MinLevel = 0

# PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout
# Description: Save player stats only on logout.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Only save on logout)
# 0 - (Disabled, Save on every player save)

PlayerSave.Stats.SaveOnlyOnLogout = 1

# DisconnectToleranceInterval
# Description: Tolerance (in seconds) for disconnected players before reentering the queue.
# Default: 0 (disabled)

DisconnectToleranceInterval = 0

# mmap.enablePathFinding
# Description: Enable/Disable pathfinding using mmaps - recommended.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

mmap.enablePathFinding = 0

# vmap.enableLOS
# vmap.enableHeight
# Description: VMmap support for line of sight and height calculation.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, vmap.enableLOS)
# 1 - (Enabled, vmap.enableHeight)
# 0 - (Disabled)

vmap.enableLOS = 1
vmap.enableHeight = 1

# vmap.enableIndoorCheck
# Description: VMap based indoor check to remove outdoor-only auras (mounts etc.).
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled, somewhat less CPU usage)

vmap.enableIndoorCheck = 1

# DetectPosCollision
# Description: Check final move position, summon position, etc for visible collision with
# other objects or walls (walls only if vmaps are enabled).
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled, Less position precision but less CPU usage)

DetectPosCollision = 1

# TargetPosRecalculateRange
# Description: Max distance from movement target point (+moving unit size) and targeted
# object (+size) after that new target movement point calculated.
# Range: 0.5-5.0
# Default: 1.5
# 0.5 - (Minimum, Contact Range, More sensitive reaction to target movement)
# 5.0 - (Maximum, Melee attack range, Less CPU usage)

TargetPosRecalculateRange = 1.5

# UpdateUptimeInterval
# Description: Update realm uptime period (in minutes).
# Default: 10 - (10 minutes)
# 1+

UpdateUptimeInterval = 10

# LogDB.Opt.ClearInterval
# Description: Time (in minutes) for the WUPDATE_CLEANDB timer that clears the `logs` table
# of old entries.
# Default: 10 - (10 minutes)
# 1+

LogDB.Opt.ClearInterval = 10

# LogDB.Opt.ClearTime
# Description: Time (in seconds) for keeping old `logs` table entries.
# Default: 1209600 - (Enabled, 14 days)
# 0 - (Disabled, Do not clear entries)

LogDB.Opt.ClearTime = 1209600

# MaxCoreStuckTime
# Description: Time (in seconds) before the server is forced to crash if it is frozen.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 10+ - (Enabled, Recommended 10+)

MaxCoreStuckTime = 0

# AddonChannel
# Description: Configure the use of the addon channel through the server (some client side
# addons will not work correctly with disabled addon channel)
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

AddonChannel = 1

# MapUpdate.Threads
# Description: Number of threads to update maps.
# Default: 1

MapUpdate.Threads = 1

# CleanCharacterDB
# Description: Clean out deprecated achievements, skills, spells and talents from the db.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enable)

CleanCharacterDB = 0

# PersistentCharacterCleanFlags
# Description: Determines the character clean flags that remain set after cleanups.
# This is a bitmask value, check /doc/CharacterDBCleanup.txt for more
# information.
# Example: 14 - (Cleaning up skills, talents and spells will remain enabled after the
# next cleanup)
# Default: 0 - (All cleanup methods will be disabled after the next cleanup)

PersistentCharacterCleanFlags = 0

# Auction.GetAllScanDelay
# Description: Sets the minimum time in seconds, a single player character can perform a getall scan.
# The value is only held in memory so a server restart will clear it.
# Setting this to zero, will disable GetAll functions completely.
# Default: 900 - (GetAll scan limited to once every 15mins per player character)

Auction.GetAllScanDelay = 900

# Auction.SearchDelay
# Description: Sets the minimum time in milliseconds (seconds x 1000), that the client must wait between
# auction search operations. This can be increased if somehow Auction House activity is causing
# too much load.
# Default: 300 - (Time delay between auction searches set to 0.3secs)

Auction.SearchDelay = 300

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# PidFile
# Description: World daemon PID file.
# Example: "./world.pid" - (Enabled)
# Default: "" - (Disabled)

PidFile = ""

# PacketLogFile
# Description: Binary packet logging file for the world server.
# Filename extension must be .pkt to be parsable with WowPacketParser.
# Example: "World.pkt" - (Enabled)
# Default: "" - (Disabled)

PacketLogFile = ""

# Extended Logging system configuration moved to end of file (on purpose)
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# GameType
# Description: Server realm type.
# Default: 0 - (NORMAL)
# 1 - (PVP)
# 4 - (NORMAL)
# 6 - (RP)
# 8 - (RPPVP)
# 16 - (FFA_PVP, Free for all pvp mode like arena PvP in all zones except rest
# activated places and sanctuaries)

GameType = 0

# RealmZone
# Description: Server realm zone. Set allowed alphabet in character, etc. names.
# Default 1 - (Development - any language)
# 2 - (United States - extended-Latin)
# 3 - (Oceanic - extended-Latin)
# 4 - (Latin America - extended-Latin)
# 5 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 6 - (Korea - East-Asian)
# 7 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 8 - (English - extended-Latin)
# 9 - (German - extended-Latin)
# 10 - (French - extended-Latin)
# 11 - (Spanish - extended-Latin)
# 12 - (Russian - Cyrillic)
# 13 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 14 - (Taiwan - East-Asian)
# 15 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 16 - (China - East-Asian)
# 17 - (CN1 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 18 - (CN2 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 19 - (CN3 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 20 - (CN4 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 21 - (CN5 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 22 - (CN6 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 23 - (CN7 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 24 - (CN8 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 25 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 26 - (Test Server - any language)
# 27 - (Tournament - basic-Latin at create, any at login)
# 28 - (QA Server - any language)
# 29 - (CN9 - basic-Latin at create, any at login)

RealmZone = 1

# StrictPlayerNames
# Description: Limit player name to language specific symbol set. Prevents character
# creation and forces rename request if not allowed symbols are used
# Default: 0 - (Disable, Limited server timezone dependent client check)
# 1 - (Enabled, Strictly basic Latin characters)
# 2 - (Enabled, Strictly realm zone specific, See RealmZone setting,
# Note: Client needs to have the appropriate fonts installed which support
# the charset. For non-official localization, custom fonts need to be
# placed in clientdir/Fonts.
# 3 - (Enabled, Basic Latin characters + server timezone specific)

StrictPlayerNames = 0

# StrictCharterNames
# Description: Limit guild/arena team charter names to language specific symbol set.
# Prevents charter creation if not allowed symbols are used.
# Default: 0 - (Disable, Limited server timezone dependent client check)
# 1 - (Enabled, Strictly basic Latin characters)
# 2 - (Enabled, Strictly realm zone specific, See RealmZone setting,
# Note: Client needs to have the appropriate fonts installed which support
# the charset. For non-official localization, custom fonts need to be
# placed in clientdir/Fonts.
# 3 - (Enabled, Basic Latin characters + server timezone specific)

StrictCharterNames = 0

# StrictPetNames
# Description: Limit pet names to language specific symbol set.
# Prevents pet naming if not allowed symbols are used.
# Default: 0 - (Disable, Limited server timezone dependent client check)
# 1 - (Enabled, Strictly basic Latin characters)
# 2 - (Enabled, Strictly realm zone specific, See RealmZone setting,
# Note: Client needs to have the appropriate fonts installed which support
# the charset. For non-official localization, custom fonts need to be
# placed in clientdir/Fonts.
# 3 - (Enabled, Basic Latin characters + server timezone specific)

StrictPetNames = 0

# DBC.Locale
# Description: DBC language settings.
# Default: 0 - (English)
# 1 - (Korean)
# 2 - (French)
# 3 - (German)
# 4 - (Chinese)
# 5 - (Taiwanese)
# 6 - (Spanish)
# 7 - (Spanish Mexico)
# 8 - (Russian)
# 9 - (none)
# 10 - (ptBR)
# 11 - (itIT)

DBC.Locale = 0

# DeclinedNames
# Description: Allow Russian clients to set and use declined names.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, Except when the Russian RealmZone is set)
# 1 - (Enabled)

DeclinedNames = 0

# Expansion
# Description: Allow server to use content from expansions. Checks for expansion-related
# map files, client compatibility and class/race character creation.
# Default: 6 - (Expansion 6)
# 5 - (Expansion 5)
# 4 - (Expansion 4)
# 3 - (Expansion 3)
# 2 - (Expansion 2)
# 1 - (Expansion 1)
# 0 - (Disabled, Ignore and disable expansion content (maps, races, classes)

Expansion = 6

# MinPlayerName
# Description: Minimal player name length.
# Range: 1-12
# Default: 2

MinPlayerName = 2

# MinCharterName
# Description: Minimal charter name length.
# Range: 1-24
# Default: 2

MinCharterName = 2

# MinPetName
# Description: Minimal pet name length.
# Range: 1-12
# Default: 2

MinPetName = 2

# Guild.CharterCost
# ArenaTeam.CharterCost.2v2
# ArenaTeam.CharterCost.3v3
# ArenaTeam.CharterCost.5v5
# Description: Amount of money (in Copper) the petitions costs.
# Default: 1000 - (10 Silver)
# 800000 - (80 Gold)
# 1200000 - (120 Gold)
# 2000000 - (200 Gold)

Guild.CharterCost = 1000
ArenaTeam.CharterCost.2v2 = 800000
ArenaTeam.CharterCost.3v3 = 1200000
ArenaTeam.CharterCost.5v5 = 2000000

# MaxWhoListReturns
# Description: Set the max number of players returned in the /who list and interface.
# Default: 50 - (stable)

MaxWhoListReturns = 50

# CharacterCreating.Disabled
# Description: Disable character creation for players based on faction.
# Example: 3 - (1 + 2, Alliance and Horde are disabled)
# Default: 0 - (Enabled, All factions are allowed)
# 1 - (Disabled, Alliance)
# 2 - (Disabled, Horde)
# 4 - (Disabled, Neutral)

CharacterCreating.Disabled = 0

# CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask
# Description: Mask of races which cannot be created by players.
# Example: 1536 - (1024 + 512, Blood Elf and Draenei races are disabled)
# Default: 0 - (Enabled, All races are allowed)
# 1 - (Disabled, Human)
# 2 - (Disabled, Orc)
# 4 - (Disabled, Dwarf)
# 8 - (Disabled, Night Elf)
# 16 - (Disabled, Undead)
# 32 - (Disabled, Tauren)
# 64 - (Disabled, Gnome)
# 128 - (Disabled, Troll)
# 256 - (Disabled, Goblin)
# 512 - (Disabled, Blood Elf)
# 1024 - (Disabled, Draenei)
# 2097152 - (Disabled, Worgen)
# 8388608 - (Disabled, Pandaren Neutral)
# 16777216 - (Disabled, Pandaren Alliance)
# 33554432 - (Disabled, Pandaren Horde)

CharacterCreating.Disabled.RaceMask = 0

# CharacterCreating.Disabled.ClassMask
# Description: Mask of classes which cannot be created by players.
# Example: 288 - (32 + 256, Death Knight and Warlock classes are disabled)
# Default: 0 - (Enabled, All classes are allowed)
# 1 - (Disabled, Warrior)
# 2 - (Disabled, Paladin)
# 4 - (Disabled, Hunter)
# 8 - (Disabled, Rogue)
# 16 - (Disabled, Priest)
# 32 - (Disabled, Death Knight)
# 64 - (Disabled, Shaman)
# 128 - (Disabled, Mage)
# 256 - (Disabled, Warlock)
# 512 - (Disabled, Monk)
# 1024 - (Disabled, Druid)

CharacterCreating.Disabled.ClassMask = 0

# CharactersPerAccount
# Description: Limit number of characters per account on all realms on this realmlist.
# Important: Number must be >= CharactersPerRealm
# Default: 50

CharactersPerAccount = 50

# CharactersPerRealm
# Description: Limit number of characters per account on this realm.
# Range: 1-12
# Default: 12 - (Client limitation)

CharactersPerRealm = 12

# DemonHuntersPerRealm
# Description: Limit number of demon hunter characters per account on this realm.
# Range: 1-12
# Default: 1

DemonHuntersPerRealm = 1

# CharacterCreating.MinLevelForDemonHunter
# Description: Limit creating demon hunters only for account with another
# character of specific level.
# Default: 70 - (Enabled, Requires at least another level 70 character)
# 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Requires at least another level 1 character)

CharacterCreating.MinLevelForDemonHunter = 70

# SkipCinematics
# Description: Disable cinematic intro at first login after character creation.
# Prevents buggy intros in case of custom start location coordinates.
# Default: 0 - (Show intro for each new character)
# 1 - (Show intro only for first character of selected race)
# 2 - (Disable intro for all classes)

SkipCinematics = 0

# MaxPlayerLevel
# Description: Maximum level that can be reached by players.
# Important: Levels beyond 110 are not recommended at all.
# Range: 1-255
# Default: 110

MaxPlayerLevel = 110

# MinDualSpecLevel
# Description: Level requirement for Dual Talent Specialization.
# Default: 30

MinDualSpecLevel = 30

# StartPlayerLevel
# Description: Starting level for characters after creation.
# Range: 1-MaxPlayerLevel
# Default: 1

StartPlayerLevel = 1

# StartDeathKnightPlayerLevel
# Description: Staring level for death knights after creation.
# Range: 1-MaxPlayerLevel
# Default: 55

StartDeathKnightPlayerLevel = 55

# StartDemonHunterPlayerLevel
# Description: Staring level for demon hunters after creation.
# Range: 98-MaxPlayerLevel
# Default: 98

StartDemonHunterPlayerLevel = 98

# StartPlayerMoney
# Description: Amount of money (in Copper) that a character has after creation.
# Default: 0
# 100 - (1 Silver)

StartPlayerMoney = 0

# RecruitAFriend.MaxLevel
# Description: Highest level up to which a character can benefit from the Recruit-A-Friend
# experience multiplier.
# Default: 85

RecruitAFriend.MaxLevel = 85

# RecruitAFriend.MaxDifference
# Description: Highest level difference between linked Recruiter and Friend benefit from
# the Recruit-A-Friend experience multiplier.
# Default: 4

RecruitAFriend.MaxDifference = 4

# DisableWaterBreath
# Description: Required security level for water breathing.
# Default: 4 - (Disabled)
# 0 - (Enabled, Everyone)
# 1 - (Enabled, Mods/GMs/Admins)
# 2 - (Enabled, GMs/Admins)
# 3 - (Enabled, Admins)

DisableWaterBreath = 4

# AllFlightPaths
# Description: Character knows all flight paths (of both factions) after creation.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllFlightPaths = 0

# InstantFlightPaths
# Description: Flight paths will take players to their destination instantly instead
# of making them wait while flying.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

InstantFlightPaths = 0

# ActivateWeather
# Description: Activate the weather system.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

ActivateWeather = 1

# CastUnstuck
# Description: Allow casting the Unstuck spell using .start or unstuck button in client
# help options.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

CastUnstuck = 1

# Instance.IgnoreLevel
# Description: Ignore level requirement when entering instances.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Instance.IgnoreLevel = 0

# Instance.IgnoreRaid
# Description: Ignore raid group requirement when entering instances.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Instance.IgnoreRaid = 0

# Instance.ResetTimeHour
# Description: Hour of the day when the global instance reset occurs.
# Range: 0-23
# Default: 4 - (04:00 AM)

Instance.ResetTimeHour = 4

# Instance.UnloadDelay
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) before instance maps are unloaded from memory if no
# characters are inside.
# Default: 1800000 - (Enabled, 30 minutes)
# 0 - (Disabled, Instance maps are kept in memory until the instance
# resets)

Instance.UnloadDelay = 1800000

# InstancesResetAnnounce
# Description: Announce the reset of one instance to whole party.
# Default: false - (Disabled, don't show, blizzlike)
# true - (Enabled, show)

InstancesResetAnnounce = false

# Quests.EnableQuestTracker
# Description: Store datas in the database about quest completion and abandonment to help finding out bugged quests.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Quests.EnableQuestTracker = 0

# Quests.LowLevelHideDiff
# Description: Level difference between player and quest level at which quests are
# considered low-level and are not shown via exclamation mark (!) at quest
# givers.
# Default: 4 - (Enabled, Hide quests that have 4 levels less than the character)
# -1 - (Disabled, Show all available quest marks)

Quests.LowLevelHideDiff = 4

# Quests.HighLevelHideDiff
# Description: Level difference between player and quest level at which quests are
# considered high-level and are not shown via exclamation mark (!) at quest
# givers.
# Default: 7 - (Enabled, Hide quests that have 7 levels more than the character)
# -1 - (Disabled, Show all available quest marks)

Quests.HighLevelHideDiff = 7

# Quests.IgnoreRaid
# Description: Allow non-raid quests to be completed while in a raid group.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Quests.IgnoreRaid = 0

# Quests.IgnoreAutoAccept
# Description: Ignore auto accept flag. Clients will have to manually accept all quests.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, DB values determine if quest is marked auto accept or not.)
# 1 - (Enabled, clients will not be told to automatically accept any quest.)

Quests.IgnoreAutoAccept = 0

# Quests.IgnoreAutoComplete
# Description: Ignore auto complete flag. Clients will have to manually complete all quests.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, DB values determine if quest is marked auto complete or not.)
# 1 - (Enabled, clients will not be told to automatically complete any quest.)

Quests.IgnoreAutoComplete = 0

# Quests.DailyResetTime
# Description: Hour of the day when daily quest reset occurs.
# Range: 0-23
# Default: 3 - (3:00 AM, Blizzlike)

Quests.DailyResetTime = 3

# Guild.EventLogRecordsCount
# Description: Number of log entries for guild events that are stored per guild. Old entries
# will be overwritten if the number of log entries exceed the configured value.
# High numbers prevent this behavior but may have performance impacts.
# Default: 100

Guild.EventLogRecordsCount = 100
Guild.SaveInterval = 15
# Guild.ResetHour
# Description: Hour of the day when the daily cap resets occur.
# Range: 0-23
# Default: 6 - (06:00 AM)

Guild.ResetHour = 6

# Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount
# Description: Number of log entries for guild bank events that are stored per guild. Old
# entries will be overwritten if the number of log entries exceed the
# configured value. High numbers prevent this behavior but may have performance
# impacts.
# Default: 25 - (Minimum)

Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount = 25

# Guild.NewsLogRecordsCount
# Description: Number of log entries for guild news that are stored per guild. Old
# entries will be overwritten if the number of log entries exceed the
# configured value. High numbers prevent this behavior but may have performance
# impacts.
# Default: 250

Guild.NewsLogRecordsCount = 250

# MaxPrimaryTradeSkill
# Description: Maximum number of primary professions a character can learn.
# Range: 0-11
# Default: 2

MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2

# MinPetitionSigns
# Description: Number of required signatures on charters to create a guild.
# Range: 0-4
# Default: 4

MinPetitionSigns = 4

# MaxGroupXPDistance
# Description: Max distance to creature for group member to get experience at creature
# death.
# Default: 74

MaxGroupXPDistance = 74

# MaxRecruitAFriendBonusDistance
# Description: Max distance between character and and group to gain the Recruit-A-Friend
# XP multiplier.
# Default: 100

MaxRecruitAFriendBonusDistance = 100

# MailDeliveryDelay
# Description: Time (in seconds) mail delivery is delayed when sending items.
# Default: 3600 - (1 hour)

MailDeliveryDelay = 3600

# SkillChance.Prospecting
# Description: Allow skill increase from prospecting.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

SkillChance.Prospecting = 0

# SkillChance.Milling
# Description: Allow skill increase from milling.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

SkillChance.Milling = 0

# OffhandCheckAtSpellUnlearn
# Description: Unlearning certain spells can change offhand weapon restrictions
# for equip slots.
# Default: 1 - (Recheck offhand slot weapon at unlearning a spell)
# 0 - (Recheck offhand slot weapon only at zone update)

OffhandCheckAtSpellUnlearn = 1

# ClientCacheVersion
# Description: Client cache version for client cache data reset. Use any value different
# from DB and not recently been used to trigger client side cache reset.
# Default: 0 - (Use DB value from world DB version.cache_id field)

ClientCacheVersion = 0

# HotfixCacheVersion
# Description: Hotfix cache version for hotfix cache data reset. Use any value different
# from DB and not recently been used to trigger client side cache reset.
# Default: 0 - (Use DB value from world DB version.hotfix_id field)

HotfixCacheVersion = 0

# Event.Announce
# Description: Announce events.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Event.Announce = 1

# BeepAtStart
# Description: Beep when the world server finished starting.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

BeepAtStart = 1

# Motd
# Description: Message of the Day, displayed at login. Use '@' for a newline.
# Example: "Welcome to John's Server!@This server is proud to be powered by Trinity Core."
# Default: "Welcome to a Trinity Core server."

Motd = "Welcome to a Trinity Core server."

# Server.LoginInfo
# Description: Display core version (.server info) on login.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Server.LoginInfo = 1

# Command.LookupMaxResults
# Description: Number of results being displayed using a .lookup command.
# Default: 0 - (Unlimited)

Command.LookupMaxResults = 0

# DungeonFinder.OptionsMask
# Description: Dungeon and raid finder system.
# Value is a bitmask consisting of:
# LFG_OPTION_ENABLE_DUNGEON_FINDER = 1, Enable the dungeon finder browser
# LFG_OPTION_ENABLE_RAID_BROWSER = 2, Enable the raid browser
# Default: 1

DungeonFinder.OptionsMask = 1

# DBC.EnforceItemAttributes
# Description: Disallow overriding item attributes stored in DBC files with values from the
# database.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Enforce DBC values)
# 0 - (Disabled, Use database values)

DBC.EnforceItemAttributes = 1

# AccountInstancesPerHour
# Description: Controls the max amount of different instances player can enter within hour.
# Default: 5

AccountInstancesPerHour = 5

# Account.PasswordChangeSecurity
# Description: Controls how secure the password changes are.
# Default: 0 - None (Old and new password)
# 1 - Email (Email confirmation necessary)
# 2 - RBAC (RBAC enable or disables email confirmation per group)

Account.PasswordChangeSecurity = 0

# BirthdayTime
# Description: Set to date of project's birth in UNIX time. By default the date when
# TrinityCore was started (Thu Oct 2, 2008)
# Default: 1222964635

BirthdayTime = 1222964635

# FeatureSystem.BpayStore.Enabled
# Description: Not yet implemented
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

FeatureSystem.BpayStore.Enabled = 0

# FeatureSystem.CharacterUndelete.Enabled
# Description: Controls Feature in CharacterList to restore delete Characters.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental)

FeatureSystem.CharacterUndelete.Enabled = 0

# FeatureSystem.CharacterUndelete.Cooldown
# Description: Time between available character restorations. (in sec)
# Default: 2592000 (30 days)

FeatureSystem.CharacterUndelete.Cooldown = 2592000

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Updates.EnableDatabases
# Description: A mask that describes which databases shall be updated.
# Following flags are available
# DATABASE_LOGIN = 1, // Auth database
# DATABASE_CHARACTER = 2, // Character database
# DATABASE_WORLD = 4, // World database
# DATABASE_HOTFIX = 8, // Hotfixes database
# Default: 15 - (All enabled)
# 4 - (Enable world only)
# 0 - (All Disabled)

Updates.EnableDatabases = 0

# Updates.AutoSetup
# Description: Auto populate empty databases.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.AutoSetup = 1

# Updates.Redundancy
# Description: Perform data redundancy checks through hashing
# to detect changes on sql updates and reapply it.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.Redundancy = 1

# Updates.ArchivedRedundancy
# Description: Check hashes of archived updates (slows down startup).
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Updates.ArchivedRedundancy = 0

# Updates.AllowRehash
# Description: Inserts the current file hash in the database if it is left empty.
# Useful if you want to mark a file as applied but you don't know its hash.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.AllowRehash = 1

# Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount
# Description: Cleans dead/ orphaned references that occur if an update was removed or renamed and edited in one step.
# It only starts the clean up if the count of the missing updates is below or equal the Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount value.
# This way prevents erasing of the update history due to wrong source directory state (maybe wrong branch or bad revision).
# Disable this if you want to know if the database is in a possible "dirty state".
# Default: 3 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)
# -1 - (Enabled - unlimited)

Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount = 3

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# HotSwap.Enabled (Requires compilation with DYNAMIC_LINKING=1)
# Description: Enables dynamic script hotswapping.
# Reloads scripts on changes.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.Enabled = 1

# HotSwap.ScriptDir
# Description: Directory containing the script shared libraries (.dll/.so).
# Example: "/usr/local/scripts"
# Default: "scripts"

HotSwap.ScriptDir = "scripts"

# HotSwap.EnableReCompiler
# Description: Enables the dynamic script recompiler.
# Watches your script source directories and recompiles the
# script modules on changes.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableReCompiler = 1

# HotSwap.EnableEarlyTermination
# Description: Terminate the build of a module when an associated
# source file was changed meanwhile.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableEarlyTermination = 1

# HotSwap.EnableBuildFileRecreation
# Description: Recreate build files when sources to a module
# were added or removed.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableBuildFileRecreation = 1

# HotSwap.EnableInstall
# Description: Enables cmake install after automatic builds have finished
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableInstall = 1

# HotSwap.EnablePrefixCorrection
# Description: Allows the core to automatic set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
# to it's current location in the filesystem.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnablePrefixCorrection = 1

# HotSwap.ReCompilerBuildType
# Description: Defines the build type of the builds invoked by the recompiler.
# Default: "" - Built-in build type of the module is used.
# "Release" - Release builds only
# "Debug" - Debug builds only

HotSwap.ReCompilerBuildType = ""

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Warden.Enabled
# Description: Enable Warden anticheat system.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Warden.Enabled = 0

# Warden.NumMemChecks
# Description: Number of Warden memory checks that are sent to the client each cycle.
# Default: 3 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Warden.NumMemChecks = 3

# Warden.NumOtherChecks
# Description: Number of Warden checks other than memory checks that are added to request
# each checking cycle.
# Default: 7 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Warden.NumOtherChecks = 7

# Warden.ClientResponseDelay
# Description: Time (in seconds) before client is getting disconnecting for not responding.
# Default: 600 - (10 Minutes)
# 0 - (Disabled, client won't be kicked)

Warden.ClientResponseDelay = 600

# Warden.ClientCheckHoldOff
# Description: Time (in seconds) to wait before sending the next check request to the client.
# A low number increases traffic and load on client and server side.
# Default: 30 - (30 Seconds)
# 0 - (Send check as soon as possible)

Warden.ClientCheckHoldOff = 30

# Warden.ClientCheckFailAction
# Description: Default action being taken if a client check failed. Actions can be
# overwritten for each single check via warden_action table in characters
# database.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, Logging only)
# 1 - (Kick)
# 2 - (Ban)

Warden.ClientCheckFailAction = 0

# Warden.BanDuration
# Description: Time (in seconds) an account will be banned if ClientCheckFailAction is set
# to ban.
# Default: 86400 - (24 hours)
# 0 - (Permanent ban)

Warden.BanDuration = 86400

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Calendar
# Description: Allow calendar invites between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Calendar = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel
# Description: Allow channel chat between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group
# Description: Allow group joining between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild
# Description: Allow guild joining between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction
# Description: Allow auctions between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Trade
# Description: Allow trading between factions.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Trade = 0

# TalentsInspecting
# Description: Allow/disallow inspecting other characters' talents.
# Doesn't affect game master accounts.
# 2 - (Enabled for all characters)
# Default: 1 - (Enabled for characters of the same faction)
# 0 - (Talent inspecting is disabled)

TalentsInspecting = 1

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# ThreatRadius
# Description: Distance for creatures to evade after being pulled away from the combat
# starting point. If ThreatRadius is less than creature aggro radius then aggro
# radius will be used.
# Default: 60

ThreatRadius = 60

# Rate.Creature.Aggro
# Description: Aggro radius percentage.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, 100%)
# 1.5 - (Enabled, 150%)
# 0 - (Disabled, 0%)

Rate.Creature.Aggro = 1

# CreatureFamilyFleeAssistanceRadius
# Description: Distance for fleeing creatures seeking assistance from other creatures.
# Default: 30 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

CreatureFamilyFleeAssistanceRadius = 30

# CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius
# Description: Distance for creatures calling for assistance from other creatures without
# moving.
# Default: 10 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius = 10

# CreatureFamilyAssistanceDelay
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) before creature assistance call.
# Default: 1500 - (1.5 Seconds)

CreatureFamilyAssistanceDelay = 1500

# CreatureFamilyFleeDelay
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) during which creature can flee if no assistance was
# found.
# Default: 7000 (7 Seconds)

CreatureFamilyFleeDelay = 7000

# WorldBossLevelDiff
# Description: World boss level difference.
# Default: 3

WorldBossLevelDiff = 3

# Corpse.Decay.NORMAL
# Corpse.Decay.RARE
# Corpse.Decay.ELITE
# Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE
# Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS
# Description: Time (in seconds) until creature corpse will decay if not looted or skinned.
# Default: 60 - (1 Minute, Corpse.Decay.NORMAL)
# 300 - (5 Minutes, Corpse.Decay.RARE)
# 300 - (5 Minutes, Corpse.Decay.ELITE)
# 300 - (5 Minutes, Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE)
# 3600 - (1 Hour, Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS)

Corpse.Decay.NORMAL = 60
Corpse.Decay.RARE = 300
Corpse.Decay.ELITE = 300
Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE = 300
Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS = 3600

# Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted
# Description: Multiplier for Corpse.Decay.* to configure how long creature corpses stay
# after they have been looted.
# Default: 0.5

Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted = 0.5

# Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage
# Description: Mulitplier for creature melee damage.
# Default: 1 - (Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage)

Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage = 1

# Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage
# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage
# Description: Mulitplier for creature spell damage.
# Default: 1 - (Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage)

Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage = 1

# Rate.Creature.Normal.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP
# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP
# Description: Mulitplier for creature health.
# Default: 1 - (Rate.Creature.Normal.HP)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP)
# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP)

Rate.Creature.Normal.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP = 1
Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP = 1

# Creature.PickPocketRefillDelay
# Description: Time in seconds that the server will wait before refilling the pickpocket loot
# for a creature
# Default: 600

Creature.PickPocketRefillDelay = 600

# ListenRange.Say
# Description: Distance in which players can read say messages from creatures or
# gameobjects.
# Default: 40

ListenRange.Say = 40

# ListenRange.TextEmote
# Description: Distance in which players can read emotes from creatures or gameobjects.
# Default: 40

ListenRange.TextEmote = 40

# ListenRange.Yell
# Description: Distance in which players can read yell messages from creatures or
# gameobjects.
# Default: 300

ListenRange.Yell = 300

# Creature.MovingStopTimeForPlayer
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) during which creature will not move after
# interaction with player.
# Default: 180000

Creature.MovingStopTimeForPlayer = 180000

# MonsterSight
# Description: The maximum distance in yards that a "monster" creature can see
# regardless of level difference (through CreatureAI::IsVisible).
# Increases CONFIG_SIGHT_MONSTER to 50 yards. Used to be 20 yards.
# Default: 50.000000

MonsterSight = 50.000000

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# ChatFakeMessagePreventing
# Description: Chat protection from creating fake messages using a lot spaces or other
# invisible symbols. Not applied to the addon language, but may break old
# addons that use normal languages for sending data to other clients.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Blizzlike)
# 0 - (Disabled)

ChatFakeMessagePreventing = 1

# ChatStrictLinkChecking.Severity
# Description: Check chat messages for ingame links to spells, items, quests, etc.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Check if only valid pipe commands are used, Prevents posting
# pictures.)
# 2 - (Enabled, Verify that pipe commands are used in a correct order)
# 3 - (Check if color, entry and name don't contradict each other. For this to
# work correctly, please assure that you have extracted locale DBCs of
# every language specific client playing on this server)

ChatStrictLinkChecking.Severity = 0

# ChatStrictLinkChecking.Kick
# Description: Defines what should be done if a message is considered to contain invalid
# pipe commands.
# Default: 0 - (Silently ignore message)
# 1 - (Disconnect players who sent malformed messages)

ChatStrictLinkChecking.Kick = 0

# ChatFlood.MessageCount
# Description: Chat flood protection, number of messages before player gets muted.
# Default: 10 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

ChatFlood.MessageCount = 10

# ChatFlood.MessageDelay
# Description: Time (in seconds) between messages to be counted into ChatFlood.MessageCount.
# Default: 1

ChatFlood.MessageDelay = 1

# ChatFlood.MuteTime
# Description: Time (in seconds) characters get muted for violating ChatFlood.MessageCount.
# Default: 10

ChatFlood.MuteTime = 10

# Channel.RestrictedLfg
# Description: Restrict LookupForGroup channel to characters registered in the LFG tool.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Allow join to channel only if registered in LFG)
# 0 - (Disabled, Allow join to channel in any time)

Channel.RestrictedLfg = 1

# ChatLevelReq.Channel
# ChatLevelReq.Whisper
# ChatLevelReq.Emote
# ChatLevelReq.Say
# ChatLevelReq.Yell
# Description: Level requirement for characters to be able to use chats.
# Default: 1

ChatLevelReq.Channel = 1
ChatLevelReq.Whisper = 1
ChatLevelReq.Emote = 1
ChatLevelReq.Say = 1
ChatLevelReq.Yell = 1

# PartyLevelReq
# Description: Minimum level at which players can invite to group, even if they aren't on
# the invitee friends list. (Players who are on that friend list can always
# invite despite having lower level)
# Default: 1

PartyLevelReq = 1

# PreserveCustomChannels
# Description: Store custom chat channel settings like password, automatic ownership handout
# or ban list in the database. Needs to be enabled to save custom
# world/trade/etc. channels that have automatic ownership handout disabled.
# (.channel set ownership $channel off)
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, Blizzlike, Channel settings are lost if last person left)
# 1 - (Enabled)

PreserveCustomChannels = 1

# PreserveCustomChannelDuration
# Description: Time (in days) that needs to pass before the customs chat channels get
# cleaned up from the database. Only channels with ownership handout enabled
# (default behavior) will be cleaned.
# Default: 14 - (Enabled, Clean channels that haven't been used for 14 days)
# 0 - (Disabled, Infinite channel storage)

PreserveCustomChannelDuration = 14

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# GM.LoginState
# Description: GM mode at login.
# Default: 2 - (Last save state)
# 0 - (Disable)
# 1 - (Enable)

GM.LoginState = 2

# GM.Visible
# Description: GM visibility at login.
# Default: 2 - (Last save state)
# 0 - (Invisible)
# 1 - (Visible)

GM.Visible = 2

# GM.Chat
# Description: GM chat mode at login.
# Default: 2 - (Last save state)
# 0 - (Disable)
# 1 - (Enable)

GM.Chat = 2

# GM.WhisperingTo
# Description: Is GM accepting whispers from player by default or not.
# Default: 2 - (Last save state)
# 0 - (Disable)
# 1 - (Enable)

GM.WhisperingTo = 2

# GM.FreezeAuraDuration
# Description: Allows to set a default duration to the Freeze Aura
# applied on players when using the .freeze command
# Default: 0 - (Original aura duration. Lasts until the .unfreeze command is used)
# N - (Aura duration if unspecified in .freeze command, in seconds)

GM.FreezeAuraDuration = 0

# GM.InGMList.Level
# Description: Maximum GM level shown in GM list (if enabled) in non-GM state (.gm off).
# Default: 3 - (Anyone)
# 0 - (Only players)
# 1 - (Only moderators)
# 2 - (Only gamemasters)

GM.InGMList.Level = 3

# GM.InWhoList.Level
# Description: Max GM level showed in who list (if visible).
# Default: 3 - (Anyone)
# 0 - (Only players)
# 1 - (Only moderators)
# 2 - (Only gamemasters)

GM.InWhoList.Level = 3

# GM.StartLevel
# Description: GM character starting level.
# Default: 1

GM.StartLevel = 1

# GM.AllowInvite
# Description: Allow players to invite GM characters.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

GM.AllowInvite = 0

# GM.LowerSecurity
# Description: Allow lower security levels to use commands on higher security level
# characters.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

GM.LowerSecurity = 0

# GM.ForceShutdownThreshold
# Description: Minimum shutdown time in seconds before 'force' is required if other players are connected.
# Default: 30

GM.ForceShutdownThreshold = 30

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Support.Enabled
# Description: Enable/disable the ticket system. This disables the whole customer
# support UI after trying to send a ticket in disabled state
# (MessageBox: "GM Help Tickets are currently unavailable.").
# UI remains disabled until the character relogs.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Support.Enabled = 1

# Support.TicketsEnabled
# Description: Allow/disallow opening new tickets.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental)

Support.TicketsEnabled = 0

# Support.BugsEnabled
# Description: Allow/disallow opening new bug reports.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental)

Support.BugsEnabled = 0

# Support.ComplaintsEnabled
# Description: Allow/disallow creating new player complaints.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental)

Support.ComplaintsEnabled = 0

# Support.SuggestionsEnabled
# Description: Allow/disallow opening new suggestion reports.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental)

Support.SuggestionsEnabled = 0

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Visibility.GroupMode
# Description: Group visibility modes. Defines which groups can aways detect invisible
# characters of the same raid, group or faction.
# Default: 1 - (Raid)
# 0 - (Party)
# 2 - (Faction)

Visibility.GroupMode = 1

# Visibility.Distance.Continents
# Visibility.Distance.Instances
# Visibility.Distance.BGArenas
# Description: Visibility distance to see other players or gameobjects.
# Visibility on continents on retail ~90 yards. In BG/Arenas ~533.
# For instances default ~170.
# Max limited by grid size: 533.33333
# Min limit is max aggro radius (45) * Rate.Creature.Aggro
# Default: 90 - (Visibility.Distance.Continents)
# 170 - (Visibility.Distance.Instances)
# 533 - (Visibility.Distance.BGArenas)

Visibility.Distance.Continents = 90
Visibility.Distance.Instances = 170
Visibility.Distance.BGArenas = 533

# Visibility.Notify.Period.OnContinents
# Visibility.Notify.Period.InInstances
# Visibility.Notify.Period.InBGArenas
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) for visibility update period. Lower values may have
# performance impact.
# Default: 1000 - (Visibility.Notify.Period.OnContinents)
# 1000 - (Visibility.Notify.Period.InInstances)
# 1000 - (Visibility.Notify.Period.InBGArenas)

Visibility.Notify.Period.OnContinents = 1000
Visibility.Notify.Period.InInstances = 1000
Visibility.Notify.Period.InBGArenas = 1000

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Rate.Health
# Rate.Mana
# Rate.Rage.Income
# Rate.Rage.Loss
# Rate.RunicPower.Income
# Rate.RunicPower.Loss
# Rate.Focus
# Rate.Energy
# Description: Multiplier to configure health and power increase or decrease.
# Default: 1 for all regen rates

Rate.Health = 1
Rate.Mana = 1
Rate.Rage.Gain = 1
Rate.Rage.Loss = 1
Rate.Focus = 1
Rate.Energy = 1
Rate.ComboPoints.Loss = 1
Rate.RunicPower.Gain = 1
Rate.RunicPower.Loss = 1
Rate.SoulShards.Loss = 1
Rate.LunarPower.Loss = 1
Rate.HolyPower.Loss = 1
Rate.Maelstrom.Loss = 1
Rate.Chi.Loss = 1
Rate.Insanity.Loss = 1
Rate.ArcaneCharges.Loss= 1
Rate.Fury.Loss = 1
Rate.Pain.Loss = 1

# Rate.Skill.Discovery
# Description: Multiplier for skill discovery.
# Default: 1

Rate.Skill.Discovery = 1

# Rate.Drop.Item.Poor
# Rate.Drop.Item.Normal
# Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon
# Rate.Drop.Item.Rare
# Rate.Drop.Item.Epic
# Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary
# Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact
# Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced
# Rate.Drop.Money
# Description: Drop rates for money and items based on quality.
# Default: 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Poor)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Normal)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Rare)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Epic)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced)
# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Money)

Rate.Drop.Item.Poor = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Normal = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Rare = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Epic = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact = 1
Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced = 1
Rate.Drop.Money = 1

# Rate.Drop.Item.ReferencedAmount
# Description: Multiplier for referenced loot amount.
# Default: 1

Rate.Drop.Item.ReferencedAmount = 1

# Rate.XP.Kill
# Rate.XP.Quest
# Rate.XP.Explore
# Description: Experience rates.
# Default: 1 - (Rate.XP.Kill, affects only kills outside of Battlegrounds)
# 1 - (Rate.XP.Quest)
# 1 - (Rate.XP.Explore)

Rate.XP.Kill = 1
Rate.XP.Quest = 1
Rate.XP.Explore = 1

# Rate.XP.BattlegroundKill
# Description: Experience rate for honorable kills in battlegrounds,
# it works when Battleground.GiveXPForKills = 1
# Default: 1

Rate.XP.BattlegroundKill = 1

# Rate.Quest.Money.Reward
# Rate.Quest.Money.Max.Level.Reward
# Description: Multiplier for money quest rewards. Can not be below 0.
# Default: 1

Rate.Quest.Money.Reward = 1
Rate.Quest.Money.Max.Level.Reward = 1

# Rate.RepairCost
# Description: Repair cost rate.
# Default: 1

Rate.RepairCost = 1

# Rate.Rest.InGame
# Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity
# Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness
# Description: Resting points grow rates.
# Default: 1 - (Rate.Rest.InGame)
# 1 - (Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity)
# 1 - (Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness)

Rate.Rest.InGame = 1
Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity = 1
Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness = 1

# Rate.Damage.Fall
# Description: Damage after fall rate.
# Default: 1

Rate.Damage.Fall = 1

# Rate.Auction.Time
# Rate.Auction.Deposit
# Rate.Auction.Cut
# Description: Auction rates (auction time, deposit get at auction start,
# auction cut from price at auction end).
# Default: 1 - (Rate.Auction.Time)
# 1 - (Rate.Auction.Deposit)
# 1 - (Rate.Auction.Cut)

Rate.Auction.Time = 1
Rate.Auction.Deposit = 1
Rate.Auction.Cut = 1

# Rate.Honor
# Description: Honor gain rate.
# Default: 1

Rate.Honor = 1

# Rate.Talent
# Description: Talent point rate.
# Default: 1

Rate.Talent = 1

# Rate.Reputation.Gain
# Description: Reputation gain rate.
# Default: 1

Rate.Reputation.Gain = 1

# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill
# Description: Reputation gain from killing low level (grey) creatures.
# Default: 1

Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill = 1

# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest
# Description: Reputation gain rate.
# Default: 1

Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest = 1

# Rate.Reputation.RecruitAFriendBonus
# Description: Reputation bonus rate for recruit-a-friend.
# Default: 0.1

Rate.Reputation.RecruitAFriendBonus = 0.1

# Rate.MoveSpeed
# Description: Movement speed rate.
# Default: 1

Rate.MoveSpeed = 1

# Rate.InstanceResetTime
# Description: Multiplier for the rate between global raid/heroic instance resets
# (dbc value). Higher value increases the time between resets,
# lower value lowers the time, you need clean instance_reset in
# characters db in order to let new values work.
# Default: 1

Rate.InstanceResetTime = 1

# SkillGain.Crafting
# SkillGain.Gathering
# Description: Crafting/defense/gathering/weapon skills gain rate.
# Default: 1 - (SkillGain.Crafting)
# 1 - (SkillGain.Gathering)

SkillGain.Crafting = 1
SkillGain.Gathering = 1

# SkillChance.Orange
# SkillChance.Yellow
# SkillChance.Green
# SkillChance.Grey
# Description: Chance to increase skill based on recipe color.
# Default: 100 - (SkillChance.Orange)
# 75 - (SkillChance.Yellow)
# 25 - (SkillChance.Green)
# 0 - (SkillChance.Grey)

SkillChance.Orange = 100
SkillChance.Yellow = 75
SkillChance.Green = 25
SkillChance.Grey = 0

# SkillChance.MiningSteps
# SkillChance.SkinningSteps
# Description: Skinning and Mining chance decreases with skill level.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 75 - (In 2 times each 75 skill points)

SkillChance.MiningSteps = 0
SkillChance.SkinningSteps = 0

# DurabilityLoss.InPvP
# Description: Durability loss on death during PvP.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

DurabilityLoss.InPvP = 0

# DurabilityLoss.OnDeath
# Description: Durability loss percentage on death.
# Default: 10

DurabilityLoss.OnDeath = 10

# DurabilityLossChance.Damage
# Description: Chance to lose durability on one equipped item from damage.
# Default: 0.5 - (100/0.5 = 200, Each 200 damage one equipped item will use durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Damage = 0.5

# DurabilityLossChance.Absorb
# Description: Chance to lose durability on one equipped armor item when absorbing damage.
# Default: 0.5 - (100/0.5 = 200, Each 200 absorbed damage one equipped item will lose
# durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Absorb = 0.5

# DurabilityLossChance.Parry
# Description: Chance to lose durability on main weapon when parrying attacks.
# Default: 0.05 - (100/0.05 = 2000, Each 2000 parried damage the main weapon will lose
# durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Parry = 0.05

# DurabilityLossChance.Block
# Description: Chance to lose durability on shield when blocking attacks.
# Default: 0.05 - (100/0.05 = 2000, Each 2000 blocked damage the shield will lose
# durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Block = 0.05

# Death.SicknessLevel
# Description: Starting level for resurrection sickness.
# Example: 11 - (Level 1-10 characters will not be affected,
# Level 11-19 characters will be affected for 1 minute,
# Level 20-MaxPlayerLevel characters will be affected for 10 minutes)
# Default: 11 - (Enabled, See Example)
# MaxPlayerLevel+1 - (Disabled)
# -10 - (Enabled, Level 1+ characters have 10 minute duration)

Death.SicknessLevel = 11

# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP
# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE
# Description: Increase corpse reclaim delay at PvP/PvE deaths.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP = 1
Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE = 0

# Death.Bones.World
# Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena
# Description: Create bones instead of corpses at resurrection in normal zones, instances,
# battleground or arenas.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Death.Bones.World)
# 1 - (Enabled, Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Death.Bones.World = 1
Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena = 1

# Die.Command.Mode
# Description: Do not trigger things like loot from .die command.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Die.Command.Mode = 1

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Stats.Limits.Enable
# Description: Enable or disable stats system.
# Default: 0 - Disabled

Stats.Limits.Enable = 0

# Stats.Limit.[STAT]
# Description: Set percentage limit for dodge, parry, block and crit rating.
# Default: 95.0 (95%)

Stats.Limits.Dodge = 95.0
Stats.Limits.Parry = 95.0
Stats.Limits.Block = 95.0
Stats.Limits.Crit = 95.0

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# AutoBroadcast.On
# Description: Enable auto broadcast.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AutoBroadcast.On = 0

# AutoBroadcast.Center
# Description: Auto broadcasting display method.
# Default: 0 - (Announce)
# 1 - (Notify)
# 2 - (Both)

AutoBroadcast.Center = 0

# AutoBroadcast.Timer
# Description: Timer (in milliseconds) for auto broadcasts.
# Default: 600000 - (10 minutes)

AutoBroadcast.Timer = 600000

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Battleground.CastDeserter
# Description: Cast Deserter spell at players who leave battlegrounds in progress.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Battleground.CastDeserter = 1

# Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Enable
# Description: Announce battleground queue status to chat.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Enable = 0

# Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.PlayerOnly
# Description: Battleground queue announcement type.
# Default: 0 - (System message, Anyone can see it)
# 1 - (Private, Only queued players can see it)

Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.PlayerOnly = 0

# Battleground.StoreStatistics.Enable
# Description: Store Battleground scores in the database.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Battleground.StoreStatistics.Enable = 0

# Battleground.InvitationType
# Description: Set Battleground invitation type.
# Default: 0 - (Normal, Invite as much players to battlegrounds as queued,
# Don't bother with balance)
# 1 - (Experimental, Don't allow to invite much more players
# of one faction)
# 2 - (Experimental, Try to have even teams)

Battleground.InvitationType = 0

# Battleground.PrematureFinishTimer
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) before battleground will end prematurely if there are
# not enough players on one team. (Values defined in battleground template)
# Default: 300000 - (Enabled, 5 minutes)
# 0 - (Disabled, Not recommended)

Battleground.PrematureFinishTimer = 300000

# Battleground.PremadeGroupWaitForMatch
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) a pre-made group has to wait for matching group of the
# other faction.
# Default: 1800000 - (Enabled, 30 minutes)
# 0 - (Disabled, Not recommended)

Battleground.PremadeGroupWaitForMatch = 1800000

# Battleground.GiveXPForKills
# Description: Give experience for honorable kills in battlegrounds,
# the rate can be changed in the Rate.XP.BattlegroundKill setting.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Battleground.GiveXPForKills = 0

# Battleground.Random.ResetHour
# Description: Hour of the day when the global instance resets occur.
# Range: 0-23
# Default: 6 - (06:00 AM)

Battleground.Random.ResetHour = 6

# Battleground.RewardWinnerHonorFirst
# Battleground.RewardWinnerConquestFirst
# Battleground.RewardWinnerHonorLast
# Battleground.RewardWinnerConquestLast
# Battleground.RewardLoserHonorFirst
# Battleground.RewardLoserHonorLast
# Description: Random Battlegrounds / call to the arms rewards.
# Default: 30 - Battleground.RewardWinnerHonorFirst
# 25 - Battleground.RewardWinnerArenaFirst
# 15 - Battleground.RewardWinnerHonorLast
# 0 - Battleground.RewardWinnerArenaLast
# 5 - Battleground.RewardLoserHonorFirst
# 5 - Battleground.RewardLoserHonorLast

Battleground.RewardWinnerHonorFirst = 27000
Battleground.RewardWinnerConquestFirst = 10000
Battleground.RewardWinnerHonorLast = 13500
Battleground.RewardWinnerConquestLast = 5000
Battleground.RewardLoserHonorFirst = 4500
Battleground.RewardLoserHonorLast = 3500

# Battleground.ReportAFK
# Description: Number of reports needed to kick someone AFK from Battleground.
# Range: 1-9
# Default: 3

Battleground.ReportAFK = 3

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Wintergrasp.Enable
# Description: Enable the Wintergrasp battlefield.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental as in incomplete, bugged and with crashes)

Wintergrasp.Enable = 0

# Wintergrasp.PlayerMax
# Description: Maximum number of players allowed in Wintergrasp.
# Default: 100

Wintergrasp.PlayerMax = 100

# Wintergrasp.PlayerMin
# Description: Minimum number of players required for Wintergrasp.
# Default: 0

Wintergrasp.PlayerMin = 0

# Wintergrasp.PlayerMinLvl
# Description: Required character level for the Wintergrasp battle.
# Default: 77

Wintergrasp.PlayerMinLvl = 77

# Wintergrasp.BattleTimer
# Description: Time (in minutes) for the Wintergrasp battle to last.
# Default: 30

Wintergrasp.BattleTimer = 30

# Wintergrasp.NoBattleTimer
# Description: Time (in minutes) between Wintergrasp battles.
# Default: 150

Wintergrasp.NoBattleTimer = 150

# Wintergrasp.CrashRestartTimer
# Description: Time (in minutes) to delay the restart of Wintergrasp if the world server
# crashed during a running battle.
# Default: 10

Wintergrasp.CrashRestartTimer = 10

# TolBarad.Enable
# Description: Enable the Tol Barad battlefield.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental as in incomplete, bugged and with crashes)

TolBarad.Enable = 0

# TolBarad.PlayerMax
# Description: Maximum number of players allowed in Tol Barad.
# Default: 100

TolBarad.PlayerMax = 100

# TolBarad.PlayerMin
# Description: Minimum number of players required for Tol Barad.
# Default: 0

TolBarad.PlayerMin = 0

# TolBarad.PlayerMinLvl
# Description: Required character level for the Tol Barad battle.
# Default: 85

TolBarad.PlayerMinLvl = 85

# TolBarad.BattleTimer
# Description: Time (in minutes) for the Tol Barad battle to last.
# Default: 15

TolBarad.BattleTimer = 15

# TolBarad.BonusTime
# Description: Bonus time (in minutes) for each tower destroyed in Tol Barad battle.
# Default: 5

TolBarad.BonusTime = 5

# TolBarad.NoBattleTimer
# Description: Time (in minutes) between TolBarad battles.
# Default: 150

TolBarad.NoBattleTimer = 150

# TolBarad.CrashRestartTimer
# Description: Time (in minutes) to delay the restart of TolBarad if the world server
# crashed during a running battle.
# Default: 10

TolBarad.CrashRestartTimer = 10

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Arena.MaxRatingDifference
# Description: Maximum rating difference between two teams in rated matches.
# Default: 150 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Arena.MaxRatingDifference = 150

# Arena.RatingDiscardTimer
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) after which rating differences are ignored when
# setting up matches.
# Default: 600000 - (Enabled, 10 minutes)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Arena.RatingDiscardTimer = 600000

# Arena.RatedUpdateTimer
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) between checks for matchups in rated arena.
# Default: 5000 - (5 seconds)

Arena.RatedUpdateTimer = 5000

# Arena.AutoDistributePoints
# Description: Automatically distribute arena points.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Arena.AutoDistributePoints = 0

# Arena.AutoDistributeInterval
# Description: Time (in days) how often arena points should be distributed if automatic
# distribution is enabled.
# Default: 7 - (Weekly)

Arena.AutoDistributeInterval = 7

# Arena.QueueAnnouncer.Enable
# Description: Announce arena queue status to chat.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Arena.QueueAnnouncer.Enable = 0

# Arena.ArenaSeason.ID
# Description: Current arena season id shown in clients.
# Default: 15

Arena.ArenaSeason.ID = 15

# Arena.ArenaSeason.InProgress
# Description: State of current arena season.
# Default: 1 - (Active)
# 0 - (Finished)

Arena.ArenaSeason.InProgress = 1

# Arena.ArenaStartRating
# Description: Start rating for new arena teams.
# Default: 0

Arena.ArenaStartRating = 0

# Arena.ArenaStartPersonalRating
# Description: Start personal rating when joining a team.
# Default: 0

Arena.ArenaStartPersonalRating = 0

# Arena.ArenaStartMatchmakerRating
# Description: Start matchmaker rating for players.
# Default: 1500

Arena.ArenaStartMatchmakerRating = 1500

# Arena.ArenaWinRatingModifier1
# Description: Modifier of rating addition when winner team rating is less than 1300
# be aware that from 1000 to 1300 it gradually decreases automatically down to the half of it
# (increasing this value will give more rating)
# Default: 48

Arena.ArenaWinRatingModifier1 = 48

# Arena.ArenaWinRatingModifier2
# Description: Modifier of rating addition when winner team rating is equal or more than 1300
# (increasing this value will give more rating)
# Default: 24

Arena.ArenaWinRatingModifier2 = 24

# Arena.ArenaLoseRatingModifier
# Description: Modifier of rating subtraction for loser team
# (increasing this value will subtract more rating)
# Default: 24

Arena.ArenaLoseRatingModifier = 24

# Arena.ArenaMatchmakerRatingModifier
# Description: Modifier of matchmaker rating
# Default: 24

Arena.ArenaMatchmakerRatingModifier = 24

# ArenaLog.ExtendedInfo
# Description: Include extended info to ArenaLogFile for each player after rated arena
# matches (guid, name, team, IP, healing/damage done, killing blows).
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

ArenaLog.ExtendedInfo = 0

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Network.Threads
# Description: Number of threads for network.
# Default: 1 - (Recommended 1 thread per 1000 connections)

Network.Threads = 1

# Network.OutKBuff
# Description: Amount of memory (in bytes) used for the output kernel buffer (see SO_SNDBUF
# socket option, TCP manual).
# Default: -1 - (Use system default setting)

Network.OutKBuff = -1

# Network.OutUBuff
# Description: Amount of memory (in bytes) reserved in the user space per connection for
# output buffering.
# Default: 65536

Network.OutUBuff = 65536

# Network.TcpNoDelay:
# Description: TCP Nagle algorithm setting.
# Default: 0 - (Enabled, Less traffic, More latency)
# 1 - (Disabled, More traffic, Less latency, TCP_NO_DELAY)

Network.TcpNodelay = 1

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Console.Enable
# Description: Enable console.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

Console.Enable = 1

# Ra.Enable
# Description: Enable remote console (telnet).
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Ra.Enable = 0

# Ra.IP
# Description: Bind remote access to IP/hostname.
# Default: "" - (Bind to all IPs on the system)

Ra.IP = ""

# Ra.Port
# Description: TCP port to reach the remote console.
# Default: 3443

Ra.Port = 3443

# Ra.MinLevel
# Description: Required security level to use the remote console.
# Default: 3

Ra.MinLevel = 3

# SOAP.Enable
# Description: Enable soap service.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

SOAP.Enabled = 0

# Description: Bind SOAP service to IP/hostname.
# Default: "" - (Bind to localhost)

SOAP.IP = ""

# SOAP.Port
# Description: TCP port to reach the SOAP service.
# Default: 7878

SOAP.Port = 7878

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# CharDelete.Method
# Description: Character deletion behavior.
# Default: 0 - (Completely remove character from the database)
# 1 - (Unlink the character from account and free up the name, Appears as
# deleted ingame)

CharDelete.Method = 0

# CharDelete.MinLevel
# Description: Required level to use the unlinking method if enabled for non-heroic classes.
# Default: 0 - (Same method for every level)
# 1+ - (Only characters with the specified level will use the unlinking method)

CharDelete.MinLevel = 0

# CharDelete.DeathKnight.MinLevel
# Description: Required level to use the unlinking method if enabled for death knights.
# Default: 0 - (Same method for every level)
# 1+ - (Only characters with the specified level will use the unlinking method)

CharDelete.DeathKnight.MinLevel = 0

# CharDelete.DemonHunter.MinLevel
# Description: Required level to use the unlinking method if enabled for demon hunters.
# Default: 0 - (Same method for every level)
# 1+ - (Only characters with the specified level will use the unlinking method)

CharDelete.DemonHunter.MinLevel = 0

# CharDelete.KeepDays
# Description: Time (in days) before unlinked characters will be removed from the database.
# Default: 30 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled, Don't delete any characters)

CharDelete.KeepDays = 30

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# AllowTrackBothResources
# Description: Allows players to track herbs and minerals at the same time (if they have the skills)
# Default: 0 - (Do not allow)
# 1 - (Allow)
# Note: The following are client limitations and cannot be coded for:
# * The minimap tracking icon will display whichever skill is activated second.
# * The minimap tracking list will only show a check mark next to the last skill activated (sometimes this
# bugs out and doesn't switch the check mark. It has no effect on the actual tracking though).
# * The minimap dots are yellow for both resources.

AllowTrackBothResources = 0

# PlayerStart.AllReputation
# Description: Players will start with most of the high level reputations that are needed
# for items, mounts etc.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

PlayerStart.AllReputation = 0

# PlayerStart.AllSpells
# Description: If enabled, players will start with all their class spells (not talents).
# You must populate playercreateinfo_spell_custom table with the spells you
# want, or this will not work! The table has data for all classes / races up
# to TBC expansion.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

PlayerStart.AllSpells = 0

# PlayerStart.MapsExplored
# Description: Characters start with all maps explored.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

PlayerStart.MapsExplored = 0

# HonorPointsAfterDuel
# Description: Amount of honor points the duel winner will get after a duel.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1+ - (Enabled)

HonorPointsAfterDuel = 0

# ResetDuelCooldowns
# Description: Reset all cooldowns before duel starts and restore them when duel ends.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

ResetDuelCooldowns = 0

# ResetDuelHealthMana
# Description: Reset health and mana before duel starts and restore them when duel ends.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

ResetDuelHealthMana = 0

# AlwaysMaxWeaponSkill
# Description: Players will automatically gain max weapon/defense skill when logging in,
# or leveling.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AlwaysMaxWeaponSkill = 0

# PvPToken.Enable
# Description: Character will receive a token after defeating another character that yields
# honor.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

PvPToken.Enable = 0

# PvPToken.MapAllowType
# Description: Define where characters can receive tokens.
# Default: 4 - (All maps)
# 3 - (Battlegrounds)
# 2 - (FFA areas only like Gurubashi arena)
# 1 - (Battlegrounds and FFA areas)

PvPToken.MapAllowType = 4

# PvPToken.ItemID
# Description: Item characters will receive after defeating another character if PvP Token
# system is enabled.
# Default: 29434 - (Badge of justice)

PvPToken.ItemID = 29434

# PvPToken.ItemCount
# Description: Number of tokens a character will receive.
# Default: 1

PvPToken.ItemCount = 1

# NoResetTalentsCost
# Description: Resetting talents doesn't cost anything.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

NoResetTalentsCost = 0

# Guild.AllowMultipleGuildMaster
# Description: Allow more than one guild master. Additional Guild Masters must be set using
# the ".guild rank" command.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Guild.AllowMultipleGuildMaster = 0

# ShowKickInWorld
# Description: Determines whether a message is broadcasted to the entire server when a
# player gets kicked.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

ShowKickInWorld = 0

# ShowMuteInWorld
# Description: Determines whether a message is broadcasted to the entire server when a
# player gets muted.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

ShowMuteInWorld = 0

# ShowBanInWorld
# Description: Determines whether a message is broadcasted to the entire server when a
# player gets banned.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

ShowBanInWorld = 0

# RecordUpdateTimeDiffInterval
# Description: Time (in milliseconds) update time diff is written to the log file.
# Update diff can be used as a performance indicator. Diff < 300: good
# performance. Diff > 600 bad performance, may be caused by high CPU usage.
# Default: 60000 - (Enabled, 1 minute)
# 0 - (Disabled)

RecordUpdateTimeDiffInterval = 60000

# MinRecordUpdateTimeDiff
# Description: Only record update time diff which is greater than this value.
# Default: 100

MinRecordUpdateTimeDiff = 100

# PlayerStart.String
# Description: String to be displayed at first login of newly created characters.
# Default: "" - (Disabled)

PlayerStart.String = ""

# LevelReq.Trade
# Description: Level requirement for characters to be able to trade.
# Default: 1

LevelReq.Trade = 1

# LevelReq.Auction
# Description: Level requirement for characters to be able to use the auction house.
# Default: 1

LevelReq.Auction = 1

# LevelReq.Mail
# Description: Level requirement for characters to be able to send and receive mails.
# Default: 1

LevelReq.Mail = 1

# PlayerDump.DisallowPaths
# Description: Disallow using paths in PlayerDump output files
# Default: 1

PlayerDump.DisallowPaths = 1

# PlayerDump.DisallowOverwrite
# Description: Disallow overwriting existing files with PlayerDump
# Default: 1

PlayerDump.DisallowOverwrite = 1

# UI.ShowQuestLevelsInDialogs
# Description: Show quest levels next to quest titles in UI dialogs
# Example: [13] Westfall Stew
# Default: 0 - (Do not show)

UI.ShowQuestLevelsInDialogs = 0

# Calculate.Creature.Zone.Area.Data
# Description: Calculate at loading creature zoneId / areaId and save in creature table (WARNING: SLOW WORLD SERVER STARTUP)
# Default: 0 - (Do not show)

Calculate.Creature.Zone.Area.Data = 0

# Calculate.Gameoject.Zone.Area.Data
# Description: Calculate at loading gameobject zoneId / areaId and save in gameobject table (WARNING: SLOW WORLD SERVER STARTUP)
# Default: 0 - (Do not show)

Calculate.Gameoject.Zone.Area.Data = 0

# NoGrayAggro
# Description: Gray mobs will not aggro players above/below some levels
# NoGrayAggro.Above: If player is at this level or above, gray mobs will not attack
# NoGrayAggro.Below: If player is at this level or below, gray mobs will not attack
# Example: You can for example make players free from gray until they reach level 30.
# Then gray will start to attack them, until they reach max level (80 for example):
# NoGrayAggro.Above = 80
# NoGrayAggro.Below = 29
# Default: 0 - (Blizzlike)

NoGrayAggro.Above = 0
NoGrayAggro.Below = 0

# PreventRenameCharacterOnCustomization
# Description: If option is set to 1, player can not rename the character in character customization.
# Applies to all character customization commands.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled, character can be renamed in Character Customization)
# 1 - (Enabled, character can not be renamed in Character Customization)

PreventRenameCharacterOnCustomization = 0

# Creature.CheckInvalidPosition
# Description: Check possible invalid position for creatures at startup (WARNING: SLOW WORLD SERVER STARTUP)
# Default: 0 - (Do not show)

Creature.CheckInvalidPosition = 0

# GameObject.CheckInvalidPosition
# Description: Check possible invalid position for game objects at startup (WARNING: SLOW WORLD SERVER STARTUP)
# Default: 0 - (Do not show)

GameObject.CheckInvalidPosition = 0

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# AuctionHouseBot.Account
# Description: Account ID for AHBot characters. If non-zero, all auctions and bids associated
# with the AHBot will randomly be assigned one of this account's characters.
# Default: 0

AuctionHouseBot.Account = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Update.Interval
# Description: Interval in seconds for AHBot to get updated
# Default: 20

AuctionHouseBot.Update.Interval = 20

# AuctionHouseBot.Seller.Enabled
# Description: General enable or disable AuctionHouseBot Seller functionality
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Seller.Enabled = 1

# AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio
# Description: Enable/Disable (disabled if 0) the part of AHBot that puts items up for auction on Alliance AH
# Default: 100 - (Enabled with 100% of items specified in AuctionHouse.Items.Amount.color section)

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio
# Enable/Disable (disabled if 0) the part of AHBot that puts items up for auction on Horde AH
# Default: 100 (Enabled with 100% of items specified in AuctionHouse.Items.Amount.color section)

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio
# Description: Enable/Disable (disabled if 0) the part of AHBot that puts items up for auction on Neutral AH
# Default: 100 - (Enabled with 100% of items specified in AuctionHouse.Items.Amount.color section)

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Items.Amount.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.MinTime
# Description: Minimum time for the new auction in hours
# Default: 1 - (Hour)

AuctionHouseBot.MinTime = 1

# AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime
# Description: Maximum time for the new auction in hours
# Default: 72 - (Hours)

AuctionHouseBot.MaxTime = 72

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.CLASS.Allow.Zero = 0
# Description: Include items without a sell or buy price.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Consumable.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Weapon.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Gem.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Armor.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Reagent.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Projectile.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Recipe.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quiver.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quest.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Key.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Allow.Zero = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.Allow.Zero = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.Vendor
# Description: Include items that can be bought from vendors.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Vendor = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.Loot
# Description: Include items that can be looted or fished for.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Loot = 1

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.Misc
# Description: Include misc. items.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Misc = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Bind.*
# Description: Indicates which bonding types to allow the bot to put up for auction
# No - Items that don't bind Default 1 (Allowed)
# Pickup - Items that bind on pickup Default 0 (Not Allowed)
# Equip - Items that bind on equip Default 1 (Allowed)
# Use - Items that bind on use Default 1 (Allowed)
# Quest - Quest Items Default 0 (Not Allowed)
# Values: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Bind.No = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Pickup = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Equip = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind.Quest = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.LockBox.Enabled
# Description: Enable or not lockbox in auctionhouse
# Default 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.LockBox.Enabled = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Boost
# Description: This value is used to fill AH faster than normal when there is more than this value on missed items (not auctioned items).
# Usually this value is only used once on server start with empty auction table.
# Default: 1000

AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Boost = 1000

# AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Normal
# Description: This value is used to fill AH for sold and expired items. A high value will be more resource intensive
# Usually this value is used always when auction table is already initialised.
# Default: 20

AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle.Normal = 20

# AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Seller
# Description: Should the Seller use BuyPrice or SellPrice to determine Bid Prices
# Default: 1 - (use SellPrice)
# 0 - (use BuyPrice)

AuctionHouseBot.BuyPrice.Seller = 1

# AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Price.Ratio
# Description: Percentage by which the price of items selled on Alliance Auction House is incremented / decreased
# Default: 100 - (Not modify)

AuctionHouseBot.Alliance.Price.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Price.Ratio
# Description: Percentage by which the price of items selled on Horde Auction House is incremented / decreased
# Default: 100 - (Not modify)

AuctionHouseBot.Horde.Price.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Price.Ratio
# Description: Percentage by which the price of items selled on Neutral Auction House is incremented / decreased
# Default: 100 - (Not modify)

AuctionHouseBot.Neutral.Price.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.QUALITY.Price.Ratio
# Description: Percentage by which the price of items sold of each quality is incremented / decreased (for all houses)
# Default: 100 - (No change)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Gray.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Items.White.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Green.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Blue.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Purple.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Orange.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Yellow.Price.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.CLASS.Price.Ratio
# Description: Percentage by which the price of items sold of each class is incremented / decreased (for all houses)
# Default: 100 - (No change)

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Consumable.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Weapon.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Gem.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Armor.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Reagent.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Projectile.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Generic.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Recipe.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quiver.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quest.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Key.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Price.Ratio = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.Price.Ratio = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.ItemLevel.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing items below/above this item level
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ItemLevel.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Items.ItemLevel.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqLevel.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing items below/above this required level
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqLevel.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqLevel.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqSkill.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing items below/above this skill level
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqSkill.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Items.ReqSkill.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.*
# Description: Define here for every item qualities how many items you want to be shown in Auction House
# This value will be adjusted by AuctionHouseBot.FACTION.Items.Amount.Ratio to define the exact amount of
# items that will finally be shown on Auction House
# Default: 0, 2000, 2500, 1500, 1000, 0, 0 (Gray, white, green, blue, purple, orange, yellow)

AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Gray = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.White = 2000
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Green = 2500
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Blue = 1500
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Purple = 1000
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Orange = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Items.Amount.Yellow = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.*
# Description: Here you can set the class of items you prefer to be show on AH
# These value are sorted by preference, from 0 (disabled) to 10 (max. preference)
# Default: Consumable: 6
# Container: 4
# Weapon: 8
# Gem: 3
# Armor: 8
# Reagent: 1
# Projectile: 2
# TradeGood: 10
# Generic: 1
# Recipe: 6
# Quiver: 1
# Quest: 1
# Key: 1
# Misc: 5
# Glyph: 3

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Consumable = 6
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container = 4
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Weapon = 8
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Gem = 3
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Armor = 8
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Reagent = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Projectile = 2
AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood = 10
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Generic = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Recipe = 6
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quiver = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Quest = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Key = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc = 5
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph = 3

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# The following are usefull for limiting what character levels can
# benefit from the auction house
# AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Mount.ReqLevel.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing mounts below/above this required level
# Default: 0

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Mount.ReqLevel.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Mount.ReqLevel.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Mount.ReqSkill.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing mounts below/above this skill level
# Default: 0

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Mount.ReqSkill.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Misc.Mount.ReqSkill.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing glyphs below/above this required level
# Default: 0

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ReqLevel.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing glyphs below/above this item level
# Default: 0

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Glyph.ItemLevel.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood.ItemLevel.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing trade good items below/above this item level
# Default: 0

AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood.ItemLevel.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.TradeGood.ItemLevel.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container.ItemLevel.*
# Description: Prevent seller from listing contianers below/above this item level
# Default: 0

AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container.ItemLevel.Min = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.Container.ItemLevel.Max = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.forceIncludeItems
# Description: Include these items and ignore ALL filters
# List of ids with delimiter ','
# Default: ""

AuctionHouseBot.forceIncludeItems = ""

# AuctionHouseBot.forceExcludeItems
# Description: Exclude these items even if they would pass the filters
# List of ids with delimiter ','
# Example: "21878,27774,27811,28117,28122,43949" (this removes old items)
# Default: ""

AuctionHouseBot.forceExcludeItems = ""

# AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.*
# Description: Used to determine how often a stack of the class will be single or randomly-size stacked when posted
# Value needs to be between 0 and 100, no decimal. Anything higher than 100 will be treated as 100
# Examples: 100 = stacks will always be random in size
# 50 = half the time the stacks are random, the other half being single stack
# 0 = stacks will always single size
# Default: Consumable: 20 (20% random stack size, 80% single stack size)
# Container: 0 (100% single stack size)
# Weapon: 0 (100% single stack size)
# Gem: 20 (20% random stack size, 80% single stack size)
# Armor: 0 (100% single stack size)
# Reagent: 100 (100% random stack size)
# Projectile: 100 (100% random stack size)
# TradeGood: 50 (50% random stack size, 50% single stack size)
# Generic: 100 (100% random stack size)
# Recipe: 0 (100% single stack size)
# Quiver: 0 (100% single stack size)
# Quest: 100 (100% random stack size)
# Key: 100 (100% random stack size)
# Misc: 100 (100% random stack size)
# Glyph: 0 (100% single stack size)

AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Consumable = 20
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Container = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Weapon = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Gem = 20
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Armor = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Reagent = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Projectile = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.TradeGood = 50
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Generic = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Recipe = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Quiver = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Quest = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Key = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Misc = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Class.RandomStackRatio.Glyph = 0

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Enabled
# Description: General enable or disable AuctionHouseBot Buyer functionality
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Enabled = 1

# AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.FACTION.Enabled
# Description: Enable or disable buyer independently by faction
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Alliance.Enabled = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Horde.Enabled = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Neutral.Enabled = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceFactor
# Description: k value in the formula used for the chance to buy an item "100^(1 + (1 - (AuctionBid / ItemPrice)) / k)"
# It must be a decimal number in the range of (0, +infinity). The higher the number the higher chance to buy overpriced auctions
# Default: 2

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceFactor = 2

# AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.QUALITY
# Description: Base sellprices in copper for non priced items for each quality.
# The default values are based on average item prices of each quality.
# Defaults: Gray 3504
# White 5429
# Green 21752
# Blue 36463
# Purple 87124
# Orange 214347
# Yellow 407406

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.Gray = 3504
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.White = 5429
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.Green = 21752
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.Blue = 36463
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.Purple = 87124
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.Orange = 214347
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Baseprice.Yellow = 407406

# AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.QUALITY
# Description: Multipliers for the buy/bid chances for each quality. 100 means the chance is 100% of the original,
# 1 would mean 1 % of the original and 200 would mean 200% of the original chance.
# Defaults: Gray 100
# White 100
# Green 100
# Blue 100
# Purple 100
# Orange 100
# Yellow 100

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.Gray = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.White = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.Green = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.Blue = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.Purple = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.Orange = 100
AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.ChanceMultiplier.Yellow = 100

# AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Recheck.Interval
# Description: This specifies the time interval (in minutes) between two evaluations of the same sold item.
# The smaller this value is, the more chances you give for an item to be bought by ahbot.
# Default: 20 (20min.)

AuctionHouseBot.Buyer.Recheck.Interval = 20

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# BlackMarket.Enabled
# Description: General Enable or Disable of the Black Market.
# Default: 1 - (Enabled)
# 0 - (Disabled)

BlackMarket.Enabled = 1

# BlackMarket.MaxAuctions
# Description: Maximum amount of auctions present at the same time.
# Default: 12

BlackMarket.MaxAuctions = 12

# BlackMarket.UpdatePeriod
# Description: How often are the auctions on the black market restored
# Default: 24 (hours)

BlackMarket.UpdatePeriod = 24

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Appender config values: Given a appender "name"
# Appender.name
# Description: Defines 'where to log'.
# Format: Type,LogLevel,Flags,optional1,optional2,optional3
# Type
# 0 - (None)
# 1 - (Console)
# 2 - (File)
# 3 - (DB)
# LogLevel
# 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Trace)
# 2 - (Debug)
# 3 - (Info)
# 4 - (Warn)
# 5 - (Error)
# 6 - (Fatal)
# Flags:
# 0 - None
# 1 - Prefix Timestamp to the text
# 2 - Prefix Log Level to the text
# 4 - Prefix Log Filter type to the text
# 8 - Append timestamp to the log file name. Format: YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS
# (Only used with Type = 2)
# 16 - Make a backup of existing file before overwrite
# (Only used with Mode = w)
# Colors (read as optional1 if Type = Console)
# Format: "fatal error warn info debug trace"
# 0 - BLACK
# 1 - RED
# 2 - GREEN
# 3 - BROWN
# 4 - BLUE
# 6 - CYAN
# 7 - GREY
# 8 - YELLOW
# 9 - LRED
# 10 - LGREEN
# 11 - LBLUE
# 13 - LCYAN
# 14 - WHITE
# Example: "13 11 9 5 3 1"
# File: Name of the file (read as optional1 if Type = File)
# Allows to use one "%s" to create dynamic files
# Mode: Mode to open the file (read as optional2 if Type = File)
# a - (Append)
# w - (Overwrite)
# MaxFileSize: Maximum file size of the log file before creating a new log file
# (read as optional3 if Type = File)
# Size is measured in bytes expressed in a 64-bit unsigned integer.
# Maximum value is 4294967295 (4 gb). Leave blank for no limit.
# NOTE: Does not work with dynamic filenames.
# Example: 536870912 (512 mb)


# Logger config values: Given a logger "name"
# Logger.name
# Description: Defines 'What to log'
# Format: LogLevel,AppenderList
# LogLevel
# 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Trace)
# 2 - (Debug)
# 3 - (Info)
# 4 - (Warn)
# 5 - (Error)
# 6 - (Fatal)
# AppenderList: List of appenders linked to logger
# (Using spaces as separator).

Logger.root=5,Console Server
Logger.server=3,Console Server
Logger.commands.gm=3,Console GM
Logger.scripts.hotswap=3,Console Server
Logger.sql.sql=5,Console DBErrors
Logger.sql.updates=3,Console Server

#Logger.addon=3,Console Server
#Logger.ahbot=3,Console Server
#Logger.auctionHouse=3,Console Server
#Logger.bg.arena=3,Console Server
#Logger.bg.battlefield=3,Console Server
#Logger.bg.battleground=3,Console Server
#Logger.bg.reportpvpafk=3,Console Server
#Logger.chat.log=3,Console Server
#Logger.calendar=3,Console Server
#Logger.chat.system=3,Console Server
#Logger.cheat=3,Console Server
#Logger.commands.ra=3,Console Server
#Logger.condition=3,Console Server
#Logger.criteria=3,Console Server
#Logger.criteria.achievement=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.areatrigger=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.pet=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.player.character=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.player.dump=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.player=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.player.items=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.player.loading=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.player.skills=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.transport=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.unit=3,Console Server
#Logger.entities.vehicle=3,Console Server
#Logger.gameevent=3,Console Server
#Logger.guild=3,Console Server
#Logger.lfg=3,Console Server
#Logger.loot=3,Console Server
#Logger.maps.script=3,Console Server
#Logger.maps=3,Console Server
#Logger.misc=3,Console Server
#Logger.network=3,Console Server
#Logger.network.opcode=3,Console Server
#Logger.network.soap=3,Console Server
#Logger.outdoorpvp=3,Console Server
#Logger.phase=3,Console Server
#Logger.pool=3,Console Server
#Logger.rbac=3,Console Server
#Logger.scenes=3,Console Server
#Logger.scripts=3,Console Server
#Logger.scripts.ai=3,Console Server
#Logger.server.bnetserver=3,Console Server
#Logger.spells=3,Console Server
#Logger.spells.periodic=3,Console Server
#Logger.sql.dev=3,Console Server
#Logger.sql.driver=3,Console Server
#Logger.warden=3,Console Server

# Log.Async.Enable
# Description: Enables asyncronous message logging.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Log.Async.Enable = 0

# Allow.IP.Based.Action.Logging
# Description: Logs actions, e.g. account login and logout to name a few, based on IP of
# current session.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Allow.IP.Based.Action.Logging = 0

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Currency.ResetInterval
# How often should currency week count reset (days)
# Default: 7 (weekly)

Currency.ResetInterval = 7

# Currency.ResetDay
# Week day when currency week count is reset (0..6) 0 == Sunday
# Default: 3 (Wednesday)

Currency.ResetDay = 3

# Currency.ResetHour
# Hour of a day when currency week count is reset (0..23)
# Default: 6

Currency.ResetHour = 6

# Currency.StartApexisCrystals
# Amount of Apexis Crystals that new players will start with
# Default: 0 (with precision)

Currency.StartApexisCrystals = 0

# Currency.MaxApexisCrystals
# Amount Apexis Crystals a player can have
# Default: 20000

Currency.MaxApexisCrystals = 20000

# Currency.StartJusticePoints
# Amount of justice points that new players will start with
# Default: 0 (with precision)

Currency.StartJusticePoints = 0

# Currency.MaxJusticePoints
# Amount justice points a player can have
# Default: 4000

Currency.MaxJusticePoints = 4000

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# These settings determine which action to take when harmful packet spoofing is detected.
# PacketSpoof.Policy
# Description: Determines the course of action when packet spoofing is detected.
# Default: 1 - (Log + kick)
# 0 - (Log only 'network')
# 2 - (Log + kick + ban)

PacketSpoof.Policy = 1

# PacketSpoof.BanMode
# Description: If PacketSpoof.Policy equals 2, this will determine the ban mode.
# Note: Banning by character not supported for logical reasons.
# Default: 0 - Ban Account
# 2 - Ban IP

PacketSpoof.BanMode = 0

# PacketSpoof.BanDuration
# Description: Duration of the ban in seconds. Only valid if PacketSpoof.Policy is set to 2.
# Set to 0 for permanent ban.
# Default: 86400 seconds (1 day)

PacketSpoof.BanDuration = 86400

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# These settings control the statistics sent to the metric database (currently InfluxDB)
# Metric.Enable
# Description: Enables statistics sent to the metric database.
# Default: 0 - (Disabled)
# 1 - (Enabled)

Metric.Enable = 0

# Metric.Interval
# Description: Interval between every batch of data sent in seconds
# Default: 10 seconds

Metric.Interval = 10

# Metric.ConnectionInfo
# Description: Connection settings for metric database (currently InfluxDB).
# Example: "hostname;port;database"
# Default: ";8086;worldserver"

Metric.ConnectionInfo = ";8086;world2"

# Metric.OverallStatusInterval
# Description: Interval between every gathering of overall worldserver status data in seconds
# Default: 1 second

Metric.OverallStatusInterval = 1

################################################## #################################################


################################################## #################################################
# lasyan3 #
# Custom.AutoCompleteQuestDelay
# Set it to a number to enable the summon of the quest giver of the quest you just completed.
# The number indicates the duration of the summoning.
# Default : 0 (AutoComplete Disable)
# Example : 180 (When a quest is completed, the quest giver will be summoned for 3 minutes)

Custom.AutoCompleteQuestDelay = 180

# Custom.SpeedGame
# Set it to a number upper than 1 to speed up realm timer
# Default : 1 (Real Time)
# Example : 60 to force 1scde (real time) = 1 minute (realm timer)

Custom.SpeedGame = 1

# Custom.NoCastTime
# Set it to 1 to disable cast time
# Default : 0 (Cast Time Enable)

Custom.NoCastTime = 0

# Custom.HurtInRealTime
# Set it to 1 to disable autohurt with weapon
# Default : 0 (Autohurt Enable)

Custom.HurtInRealTime = 0

# Custom.AttackSpeedForPlayer
# Custom.AttackSpeedForMobs
# Set it to a number upper than 1 to speed up the attack of the player or the mobs
# Default : 1.0 (Normal speed)
# Example : 2.0 (attack speed is 200% faster)
# Example : 0.5 (attack speed is 50% slower)

Custom.AttackSpeedForPlayer = 1.0
Custom.AttackSpeedForMobs = 1.0

# Custom.RespawnSpeed
# Set it to a number upper than 1 to speed up the respawn of mobs (and lower than 1 to slow down).
# Default : 1.0 (Normal speed)

Custom.RespawnSpeed = 1.0

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# Solocraft.Enable
# Description: Solocraft is a script to increase players and bots stats in raids,
# based on group size. It feels a little Hacky, but raids is unfair hard with playerbots.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

Solocraft.Enable = 1

# FireWorksOnLevelUp
# Description: Players shoot a firework when reach level 110.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

FireWorksOnLevelUp = 1

# Login.BoA
# Description: New players get some starting equipment.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

Login.BoA = 1

# StartGuild
# Description: New players automatically added for the configurated guild IDs.
# Example: StartGuild.Alliance = 45
# StartGuild.Horde = 46
# Default: 0 (disabled)

StartGuild.Alliance = 0
StartGuild.Horde = 0

# Reset.on.login
# Description: Restore players health, mana and cooldowns when log into the game.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

Reset.on.login = 1

# Duel.Reset.Enable
# Description: Restore players health, mana and cooldowns when a duel started and ended.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

Duel.Reset.Enable = 1

# Login.Announcer.Enable
# Description: Announce every player and bots login
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

Login.Announcer.Enable = 1

# Boss.Announcer.Enable
# Description: System announce who killed a world boss in global.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

Boss.Announcer.Enable = 1

# Double XP Weekend
# Description: Enables or disables the Double XP Weekend Script
# DoubleXP.Enable
# Default: 1 (enabled)
# 0 (disabled)

DoubleXP.Enable = 1

# Custom.GainHonorOnGuardKill
# Set it to 1 to gain honor when you kill a guard.
# Note that not all city guards will give you honor. It seems only capital and big city guards are flagged
# as so in the database.
# Default : 0 (No honor when you kill a guard)

Custom.GainHonorOnGuardKill = 1

# Custom.GainHonorOnEliteKill
# Set it to 1 to gain honor when you kill an elite mob (this does not apply on rare mob, unless he is also elite).
# Default : 0 (No honor when you kill an elite mob)

Custom.GainHonorOnEliteKill = 1

# XP for PvP kills
# Set the XP and money rate for PvP kills.
# Default: Xp.For.Pvp.Low.Rate = 1
# Xp.For.Pvp.High.Rate = 1

Xp.For.Pvp.Low.Rate = 1
Xp.For.Pvp.High.Rate = 1

# Time Is Money Friend
# Gives money for players who is online after every X minutes.
# Default: TimeIsMoneyFriend.Interval = 600000 (10 minutes)
# TimeIsMoneyFriend.Money = 1000 (10 silver)

TimeIsMoneyFriend.Interval = 600000
TimeIsMoneyFriend.Money = 100000

# Dungeon Checkpoints
# Description: Enable checkpoints in dungeons/instances.
# The server set a respawn point after every world boss you defeated.
# Dungeon.Checkpoints.Enable
# Default: 1 (enabled)
# 0 (disabled)

Dungeon.Checkpoints.Enable = 1

# Congrats.Level
# Description: Server gives money for players on every 10 level.
# Default: 0 (disabled)
# 1 (enabled)

Congrats.Level = 1

################################################## #################################################

################################################## #################################################
# RandomEnchants.AnnounceOnLogin
# Announce a message on login for this module
# Default: 1

RandomEnchants.AnnounceOnLogin = 1

# RandomEnchants.OnLoginMessage
# Message to display on login(Only applies if AnnounceOnLogin is enabled)
# Default: "This server is running a RandomEnchants Module."

RandomEnchants.OnLoginMessage="This server is based on Single Player Project - Legion repack."

# RandomEnchants.OnLoot
# Chance at random enchant on looting an item
# Default: 1

RandomEnchants.OnLoot = 1

# RandomEnchants.OnCreate
# Chance at random enchant on creating an item via profession
# Default: 1

RandomEnchants.OnCreate = 1

# RandomEnchants.OnQuestReward (Not working yet)
# Chance at random enchant on obtaining item from quest reward
# Default: 1

RandomEnchants.OnQuestReward = 1

################################################## #################################################

Auth realmlist:
Pic-Upload.de - Unbenannt.png

thx for your help, sorry for my bad englisch

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