Spurious is written in VB.Net and based on vbWoW and has been worked on since the end of March 2008
I bring to you a Pre-Release Binary Release, this is just so people can see our current progress that we have made within the last 3 months.
Spurious at this moment is in no way to be a playable emulator but it can be tested locally and has the ability to be tested on a server wide scale.
We do plan on going open-source within the next two months, and plan on opening up an official test server within the next two weeks.
The Spurious team consists of 6 coders:
SectorSeven is our DB man
The current state of the Spurious Emulator is as follows:
Spurious currently supports Client version 2.4.3 Build 8606
Character Creation works for all classes and races.
You can login to the world with all classes and races
Character movement works such as walking around and jumping.
The NPC Gossip System currently works.
The spawner now works, so creatures and gameobjects are spawned, at the moment Spurious only supports 1 map, and only map 1 (Kalimdor) is spawned.
The quest system is being worked on, until the combat system is fixed, it is hard to test if the quest system rewrite fully works yet.
Combat works.
Graveyards works, you are placed in the correct graveyard when you release your spirit
Now supports Multi-Player logins.
The spell system needs some work.
Spell auras are now working, a problem with it though is that you can't cast anything else while having a aura but that's being worked on.
Item usage is working now
Items do add stats to your character correctly, and equip spells are casted on the character successfully and removed successfully when the item is removed. 
Mounts are now working perfectly.
Pet System is being worked on
Chat and Channels work 100%
Party works, but you currently cannot convert to raid
Friends list and ignore list are working
Trade works 100%
Our official forums are at: