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  1. #41

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    i get my server working fine and my friend can connect through hamachi now don't start about hamchi cause I cant find any other way of getting him to connect anyway he connects right then it goes to the monster repack place where you choose your realm he clicks on it my friend and nothing happens now the interesting part he cant connect just cant get in to the world or realm and I don't know why so can someone please tell me what setting I need to change so he can access my world. thanks bye

    › See More: Monster 4.1.0 Cataclysm Repack v3

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  3. #42

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    Well I might have a solution....Check your configuration files and make sure that the username and password is set correctly and make sure that there is no doubles on the connection settings in the configuration files.

    May I ask what Operating system you're running?

  4. #43

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    Windows Xp SP3 x32 bit i think im having problem with visual C++ or net framework something like that trying to fix it

  5. #44

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    i am having problems with my friend trying to connect to my server we are both using hamchi and he can login the problem i am having is he keeps getting stuck at the choose a realm part he clicks the realm i am on and nothing happens i have been editing the code for two days now and cant figure out why he can login through hamchi but he cant select the realm i am on. please someone help thank you

  6. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by adem21 View Post
    Windows Xp SP3 x32 bit i think im having problem with visual C++ or net framework something like that trying to fix it
    Yeah do that and make sure you have .net framework 3.5 at least installed or 4.0 and Visual C++ installed as well. But it looks like to me its something to do with the configuration files.

    Quote Originally Posted by louis00222 View Post
    i am having problems with my friend trying to connect to my server we are both using hamchi and he can login the problem i am having is he keeps getting stuck at the choose a realm part he clicks the realm i am on and nothing happens i have been editing the code for two days now and cant figure out why he can login through hamchi but he cant select the realm i am on. please someone help thank you
    Hamchi cannot be used to run a wow server. Its best to do it directly from the ip of the host. I'm not really fond of Hamchi other than it is used to bypass or create LAN playing servers that I know of. Its best to do it from the internet IP itself or you can create a domain name for the wow server, but you need the the IP to be set in the realm table of the database which is another cause of why he cannot connect to the realm. If you don't know how to do that then I'll create a small video tutorial for it.....Post back if a video tutorial is needed....

    The best domain hoster is No-IP

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  7. #46

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    Originally Posted by adem21
    this shit is ****ing killing me

    ERROR: Could not connect to MySQL database at Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061)
    try this m8:
    1- run MySQL.bat
    2- try to connect with the MySQL using HeidiSQl or navicat, and see if u can connect -- user = root ; pass = ascent ;port is 3306 (default one)
    and if u can post here a image of your Authserver config will be helpfull too
    Last edited by rampeixe; 01-06-11 at 08:21 AM.

  8. #47

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    # SkyFire Auth Server configuration file #

    # Note to devs, line breaks should be at column 80
    ################################################## #############################
    # LogsDir
    # Logs directory setting.
    # Important: Logs dir must exists, or all logs need to be disabled
    # Default: "" - no log directory prefix, if used log names isn't
    # absolute path then logs will be stored in current directory.
    # MaxPingTime
    # Settings for maximum database-ping interval (minutes between pings)
    # RealmServerPort
    # Default RealmServerPort
    # BindIP
    # Bind Realm Server to IP/hostname
    # PidFile
    # Realmd daemon PID file
    # Default: "" - do not create PID file
    # "./realmd.pid" - create PID file (recommended name)
    # LogLevel
    # Server console level of logging
    # Default: 0 = Minimum
    # 1 = Basic
    # 2 = Detail
    # 3 = Full/Debug
    # LogFile
    # Logfile name
    # Default: "realmd.log"
    # "" - Empty name disable creating log file
    # SQLDriverLogFile
    # Log file of SQL driver events.
    # For effective query logging you need to build in debug configuration.
    # Default: "" - Empty name for disable
    # LogTimestamp
    # Logfile with timestamp of server start in name
    # in form Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext
    # Default: 0 - no timestamp in name
    # 1 - add timestamp in name
    # LogFileLevel
    # Server file level of logging
    # Default: 0 = Minimum
    # 1 = Basic
    # 2 = Detail
    # 3 = Full/Debug
    # LogColors
    # Color for messages (format "normal basic detail debug")
    # Default: "" - no colors
    # Colors: 0 - BLACK
    # 1 - RED
    # 2 - GREEN
    # 3 - BROWN
    # 4 - BLUE
    # 5 - MAGENTA
    # 6 - CYAN
    # 7 - GREY
    # 8 - YELLOW
    # 9 - LRED
    # 10 - LGREEN
    # 11 - LBLUE
    # 12 - LMAGENTA
    # 13 - LCYAN
    # 14 - WHITE
    # Example: "13 11 9 5"
    # EnableLogDB
    # Enable/disable logging to database (LogDatabaseInfo).
    # Default: 0 - disabled
    # 1 - enabled
    # DBLogLevel
    # Log level of DB logging.
    # 0 = Minimum
    # Default: 1 = Basic
    # 2 = Detail
    # 3 = Full/Debug
    # UseProcessors
    # Processors mask for multi-processor system (Used only in Windows)
    # Default: 0 (selected by OS)
    # number (bitmask value of selected processors)
    # ProcessPriority
    # Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)
    # Default: 1 (HIGH)
    # 0 (Normal)
    # RealmsStateUpdateDelay
    # Realm list Update up delay
    # (updated at realm list request if delay expired).
    # Default: 20
    # 0 (Disabled)
    # WrongPass.MaxCount
    # Number of login attemps with wrong password
    # before the account or IP is banned
    # Default: 0 (Never ban)
    # WrongPass.BanTime
    # Duration of the ban in seconds (0 means permanent ban)
    # Default: 600
    # WrongPass.BanType
    # Ban the IP or account on which login is attempted
    # Default: 0 (Ban IP)
    # 1 (Ban Account)
    ################################################## #############################

    LogsDir = ""
    MaxPingTime = 30
    RealmServerPort = 3724
    BindIP = ""
    PidFile = ""
    LogLevel = 0
    LogFile = "auth.log"
    SQLDriverLogFile = ""
    LogTimestamp = 0
    LogFileLevel = 0
    LogColors = ""
    EnableLogDB = 0
    DBLogLevel = 1
    UseProcessors = 0
    ProcessPriority = 1
    RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 20
    WrongPass.MaxCount = 0
    WrongPass.BanTime = 600
    WrongPass.BanType = 0

    ################################################## #############################
    # LoginDatabaseInfo
    # Database connection settings for the realm server.
    # Default:
    # hostname;port;username;password;database
    # .;somenumber;username;password;database
    # - use named pipes in Windows
    # Named pipes: mySQL required adding
    # "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] section my.ini
    # .;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database
    # - use Unix sockets in Unix/Linux
    # LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads
    # Description: The amount of worker threads spawned to handle asynchronous (delayed) MySQL
    # statements. Each worker thread is mirrored with its own connection to the
    # MySQL server and their own thread on the MySQL server.
    # Default: 1 - (LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads
    ################################################## #############################

    LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth"
    LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1

    ---------- Post added at 09:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 AM ----------

    authserver.cfg is default i didnt change anything im getting same error. gonna blow my machine

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

    net frameworks and visual c++ installed

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

  9. #48

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    Quote Originally Posted by adem21 View Post
    # SkyFire Auth Server configuration file #

    # Note to devs, line breaks should be at column 80
    ################################################## #############################
    # LogsDir
    # Logs directory setting.
    # Important: Logs dir must exists, or all logs need to be disabled
    # Default: "" - no log directory prefix, if used log names isn't
    # absolute path then logs will be stored in current directory.
    # MaxPingTime
    # Settings for maximum database-ping interval (minutes between pings)
    # RealmServerPort
    # Default RealmServerPort
    # BindIP
    # Bind Realm Server to IP/hostname
    # PidFile
    # Realmd daemon PID file
    # Default: "" - do not create PID file
    # "./realmd.pid" - create PID file (recommended name)
    # LogLevel
    # Server console level of logging
    # Default: 0 = Minimum
    # 1 = Basic
    # 2 = Detail
    # 3 = Full/Debug
    # LogFile
    # Logfile name
    # Default: "realmd.log"
    # "" - Empty name disable creating log file
    # SQLDriverLogFile
    # Log file of SQL driver events.
    # For effective query logging you need to build in debug configuration.
    # Default: "" - Empty name for disable
    # LogTimestamp
    # Logfile with timestamp of server start in name
    # in form Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext
    # Default: 0 - no timestamp in name
    # 1 - add timestamp in name
    # LogFileLevel
    # Server file level of logging
    # Default: 0 = Minimum
    # 1 = Basic
    # 2 = Detail
    # 3 = Full/Debug
    # LogColors
    # Color for messages (format "normal basic detail debug")
    # Default: "" - no colors
    # Colors: 0 - BLACK
    # 1 - RED
    # 2 - GREEN
    # 3 - BROWN
    # 4 - BLUE
    # 5 - MAGENTA
    # 6 - CYAN
    # 7 - GREY
    # 8 - YELLOW
    # 9 - LRED
    # 10 - LGREEN
    # 11 - LBLUE
    # 12 - LMAGENTA
    # 13 - LCYAN
    # 14 - WHITE
    # Example: "13 11 9 5"
    # EnableLogDB
    # Enable/disable logging to database (LogDatabaseInfo).
    # Default: 0 - disabled
    # 1 - enabled
    # DBLogLevel
    # Log level of DB logging.
    # 0 = Minimum
    # Default: 1 = Basic
    # 2 = Detail
    # 3 = Full/Debug
    # UseProcessors
    # Processors mask for multi-processor system (Used only in Windows)
    # Default: 0 (selected by OS)
    # number (bitmask value of selected processors)
    # ProcessPriority
    # Process proirity setting (Used only at Windows)
    # Default: 1 (HIGH)
    # 0 (Normal)
    # RealmsStateUpdateDelay
    # Realm list Update up delay
    # (updated at realm list request if delay expired).
    # Default: 20
    # 0 (Disabled)
    # WrongPass.MaxCount
    # Number of login attemps with wrong password
    # before the account or IP is banned
    # Default: 0 (Never ban)
    # WrongPass.BanTime
    # Duration of the ban in seconds (0 means permanent ban)
    # Default: 600
    # WrongPass.BanType
    # Ban the IP or account on which login is attempted
    # Default: 0 (Ban IP)
    # 1 (Ban Account)
    ################################################## #############################

    LogsDir = ""
    MaxPingTime = 30
    RealmServerPort = 3724
    BindIP = ""
    PidFile = ""
    LogLevel = 0
    LogFile = "auth.log"
    SQLDriverLogFile = ""
    LogTimestamp = 0
    LogFileLevel = 0
    LogColors = ""
    EnableLogDB = 0
    DBLogLevel = 1
    UseProcessors = 0
    ProcessPriority = 1
    RealmsStateUpdateDelay = 20
    WrongPass.MaxCount = 0
    WrongPass.BanTime = 600
    WrongPass.BanType = 0

    ################################################## #############################
    # LoginDatabaseInfo
    # Database connection settings for the realm server.
    # Default:
    # hostname;port;username;password;database
    # .;somenumber;username;password;database
    # - use named pipes in Windows
    # Named pipes: mySQL required adding
    # "enable-named-pipe" to [mysqld] section my.ini
    # .;/path/to/unix_socket;username;password;database
    # - use Unix sockets in Unix/Linux
    # LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads
    # Description: The amount of worker threads spawned to handle asynchronous (delayed) MySQL
    # statements. Each worker thread is mirrored with its own connection to the
    # MySQL server and their own thread on the MySQL server.
    # Default: 1 - (LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads
    ################################################## #############################

    LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth"
    LoginDatabase.WorkerThreads = 1

    ---------- Post added at 09:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 AM ----------

    authserver.cfg is default i didnt change anything im getting same error. gonna blow my machine

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

    net frameworks and visual c++ installed

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
    well the authserver.cfg is a default so its ok with that.. the problem maybe is that your machine don't recognize the localhost maybe a Dns problem.. So try this:
    1- start MySql.bat
    2- open your navicat and delete your connection and made a new one, but on Host name/ IP Adress change hostname to:
    if this dont work, i'm afraid i can't help with that sorry

  10. #49

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    For the people who have problems getting past "connected".
    The Monster Wow.exe is wrong...
    It's, as it seems, for the wrong version (4.06 something something).
    Is there any updated monster wow.exe?
    My own Wow is updated to 4.10, but the monster exe is not!

  11. #50

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    is this repack designed just for win 7/vista or it can run in win xp too?


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