For all TBC and ArcEmu Lovers im gonna to Release My 2nd 2.4.3 Repack, hope you enjoy it

many people are searching About 2.4.3 ArcEmu Repack in support and Repack section and the other people just reply with "ArcEmu TBC doesn't Available" now ArcEmu is here!

Repack info :-

Version: Latest 2.4.3 Version

Core: ArcEmu


- Scripted Instances
- 90% Talent Works!
- 90% Spells Works!
- 70% less bugs
- Stable Database
- Stable Core 99% No Crashes
- Instances Work 98%
- Based as Blizzlike.. Easy to make it Fun "Configs" and "WoW-V" are your friend
- Lua Engine Not good like all the TBC cores

You can call it a "Core" because I've removed the Database because many people Hate Custom things and other like work by their own so its a "Core" + Database BTW, I've added a blizzlike Database

sorry i didn't Upload any Images

Repack info:-

Size: 34 MB

the repack includes Tools & DBC & Database

NOTICE:i know that my English isn't good but i did my Best so don't flame

Hope You Like it

i also added an Awesome Website to be full .. Enjoy it


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Download Link:-

Download Link:-


sorry i uploaded it on mediafire because Megaupload was Offline



- Midoking
- ArcEmu