Quote Originally Posted by Psykko
Hello and Greetings.
Today I proudly present my latest 3.3.5a TrinityCore Highrate Linux Repack to you.

Repack Informations
✭ Easy to Setup with Installer Tool
✭ Simple Account Registrationpage
✭ TrinityCore 34f734c
✭ TDB 2f84939
✭ ELA 8aad525
✭ Interfractionary Arenas and Battlegrounds
✭ ObjectScale a80255e
✭ GOMove f5f941f
✭ MultiVendor afa6e46
✭ PlayerItemGossip bcf0a09
✭ Transmog df7b891
✭ Minor Core Changes done to be used as 255 realm too.
✭ Automatic Authserver Restarter
✭ Automatic Worldserver Restarter
✭ Premade Serverconfig
✭ Included Cameras, DBC, Map, VMap and MMap Files
✭ Included SourceCode
✭ Included Build Folder
✭ Very well working Wrath of the Lichking Content.


You are in need of Linux Debian 7/8 or Ubuntu 14/16 64bit System. Make sure you are on an empty system OR make sure you will uninstall your current MySQL-Server and MySQL-Client if its not version 5.5. Here is a prewritten command of needed software in correct version to be copypasted

apt-get install -y aptitude sudo screen libtool zip gcc g++ mysql-server-5.5 mysql-client-5.5 libmysqlclient-dev libmysql++-dev make cmake p7zip-full libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev gdb nano openssl libssl-dev libreadline6-dev libboost-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-iostreams-dev build-essential autoconf unzip

sed -i 's/bind-address/#bind-address/g' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
You also need to make sure that you have a minimum of 5GB free HDD Space and have a ready to use SSH Tool. This Repack was created on Linux Debian 8 Jessie 64bit

First Install Instructions.

1. First Step is the most important one, without that nothing will work. You pre-create the Server's location on your System /home/repack
cd /home && mkdir repack
2. Second Step is downloading and extracting the Server into your just created Systemlocation
cd /home/repack && wget && unzip *.zip && rm ubu-deb-x64_ac-web-repack.zip && cd /home/repack/repack-binary/bin && mkdir AuthLog && mkdir WorldLog && wget && unzip *.zip && rm autostarters.zip && chmod 777 authautostart.sh && chmod 777 worldautostart.sh
3. Third Step is copypaste the command below and fill in the infos it's asking you for. (this step takes a while)
cd /home/repack/setup && chmod 674 /home/repack/setup/setup.sh && ./home/repack/setup/setup.sh
4. Fourth Step is running the Server
cd /home/repack/repack-binary/bin && screen -AmdS auth ./authautostart.sh && screen -AmdS world ./worldautostart.sh
5. Fifth Step is creating an Admin Account
screen -r world
account create yourname yourpass
account set addon yourname 2
account set gmlevel yourname 3 -1
CTRL + A and CTRL + D
mysql -uroot -p repack_auth < /home/repack/setup/firstaccgetadmin.sql
6. Sixth Step is changing your Serverrealmlist to be Connectable.
sed -i 's/' /home/repack/setup/setrealmlist.sql
mysql -uroot -p repack_auth < /home/repack/setup/setrealmlist.sql
screen -X -S auth kill && screen -X -S world kill
cd /home/repack/repack-binary/bin && screen -AmdS auth ./authautostart.sh && screen -AmdS world ./worldautostart.sh
7. Seventh Step is logging into your Server!
set realmlist your-server-ip-address

Questions and Answers

How do I manually reboot my Authserver?
screen -X -S auth kill && cd /home/repack/repack-binary/bin && screen -AmdS auth ./authautostart.sh
How do I manually reboot my Worldserver?
screen -X -S world kill && cd /home/repack/repack-binary/bin && screen -AmdS world ./worldautostart.sh
How do I reach my Authserver Remote Console?
screen -r auth
How do I reach my Worldserver Remote Console?
screen -r world
How do I leave a Remote Screen?
CTRL + A and CTRL + D
How can I use the Account Registrationpage?
apt-get install -y apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 && /etc/init.d/apache2 restart && aptitude install php5-mysql php5-curl php5-gd php5-intl php-pear php5-imagick php5-imap php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-ming php5-ps php5-pspell php5-recode php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl && /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
cd /var/www/html && rm index.html && wget && unzip *.zip && rm accreg.zip && sed -i 's/web/repack/g' /var/www/html/include/config.php && sed -i 's/accreg/repack/g' /var/www/html/include/config.php && sed -i 's/repack-auth/repack_auth/g' /var/www/html/include/config.php
You should join your Browser and visit your Hosts IP-Address. If you left everything default while Repack setup, it should be ready to use

How do I manually reboot my Host and Startup the Servers again?
screen -AmdS auth ./home/repack/repack-binary/bin/authautostart.sh && screen -AmdS world ./home/repack/repack-binary/bin/worldautostart.sh

TrinityCore, Eluna Team, Rochet2, Lillecarl, WebTropia, Git, MySQL, Google, Blizzard, Linux and Psykko.