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  3. #32
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 9281 - 9311
    Fixed client ignore spell 1464 and ranks in combat log.
    Possible fixed crash source added in [9228]

    After [9228] groups stored under leader guid keys, but group leader can
    and in result at group disband after leader change group not removed from
    Apply SPELL_AURA_MOD_HEALING_PCT to any healing.
    Realy fixed crash source added in [9228] now.
    Fixed unexpected double time for apply damage for spell 1464 and

    * Implement way ignore some redundent data for triggered spells base at
    cast cost exist.
    Reason: some triggered spells inherited data from main spells
    just for porper client show spell attributes, we not need this data.
    * Use check for ignore inherited cast time.
    Fix spell 69377
    Prevent weapon skill grow at player's pet hit.
    Prevent apply spell power bonuses to some item heals.
    Update to 3.3.2 client.
    Update DBC file checks.
    Fix glyph 57870
    Not need modify (it autorization code not affected) until switch.

    Current realmd work in way that support future supported build without
    Some cleanups in realmd, no functional changes
    Implement DB storage for new quest field, CompletedText

    Text will display in quest objectives window when quest is completed.
    Also add locales storage
    Merge branch 'master' into 330
    Include build in to .map files data.

    This let not update map fiels format version at switch to new build
    for prevent use wrong .map files. Build checked at loading.
    Remove unused declaration of string in sendQuestGiverQuestDetails

    Some additional code cleanup for readability
    Fix stacking problem of tracking spells
    Fixed typo in function name.
    This fixes talent 47294 and ranks
    Add ranks info for 3674 and ranks.
    Increase max allowed DB value for item_template spellcharges_N
    Implement affect glyph 41533, talent 16187 and ranks to 5394 and
    ranks healing.
    Upgrade a few error messages from engrish v.1 to engrish v.2
    A few more error message corrections/clarifications.
    Implement proper check of broken spells for IsLootCraftingSpell
    Fix load quest locales, after implement CompletedText in 9291
    Restore skip one from startup (by DBC data) but not existed items.
    Propertly detect underground area 4425
    Fix load quest locales, after implement CompletedText in 9291, v2.0
    Implement glyph 43385.
    Grid containers, cleanup
    Fix SMSG_CHAR_ENUM opcode
    Implement DB storage for new quest_template field 'RewXPId'.

    Values 0-8, used to display XP reward in client log.
    Please note that calculation of quest XP has changed, and formula must be
    corrected accordingly.
    Item 13506 not flask anymore.
    Switch to support client 3.2.2 (build 11403)

    Merge branch '330'

    You need regenerate dbc/map/vmap files. Use updated ad.exe for this.

    ---------- Post added at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 PM ----------

    YTDB 266
    + All fixes from the forum and editing of bug reports (see "adopted patches")
    + Settlement
    + Scripts quests
    + Gossip-menu mobs
    + Adjustment field "QuestFlags" of WDB under recent changes in the nucleus
    + Adjustment loot mobs
    + Adjustment fields "item_template" by WDB
    + Adjustment modelek "creature_template" by WDB
    + Adjustment field "EndText" in "quest_template" of WDB
    + Filling of the new field "CompletedText" in "quest_template" of WDB
    + New templet of WDB
    + Handled 416 caches (3.3.0a)

    ---------- Post added 02-06-2010 at 12:41 AM ---------- Previous post was 02-05-2010 at 11:46 PM ----------

    Mangos 9311 scriptdev2 not added because they didn't upgrade v100 on c++.
    DBC 3.3.2 and maps added.
    Soon and buildings.
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
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    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  4. #33
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    YTDB 267
    + 3.3.0a => 3.3.2
    + All the patches from forums that were accepted (look under "Accepted patches")
    + Spawns
    + Scripts for Quests
    + Gossip Menus for Mobs
    + New templates from game caches (WDB)
    + Full filling the new field "RewXPId" in "quest_template" from WDB
    + Upgrade from 3.3.0a to 3.3.2
    + Processed 419 Cache Folders (3.3.0a)

    Mangos 9312 - 9327
    Implement DB storage of new quest_template field RewHonorMultiplier

    Also rename an existing field to RewHonorAddition.
    Note: calculation of real reward must be corrected accordingly.
    Fix spell 53511 and ranks
    Add new explcitly supported build to realmd
    Use correct way extraction low guid for player.

    No functional changes in fact for current code base at 0 high guids used
    for player at this moment.
    Restore build after [9313]
    Fixed client crash at raid target icon update.
    Some other updates.
    Fixed error output at creature loading.
    Fixed compile error.
    Call linkedtrap summon in more cases.

    * GAMEOBJECT_TYPE_BUTTON can have linked traps
    * Spell::EffectSummonObject also can summon objects with linked traps

    Thanks to patman128 for research second case.
    Update quest XP formula

    Use dbc store as base for real xp rewarded and also display xp reward
    accordingly in related packets.
    Note there are still some smaller things that may need smaller adjustments
    and tweaks, these are on the todo-list.
    Load factionReward store for later use.
    Correct typo in [9319], sorry
    Correct enum PetTameFailureReason
    Fix spell 69378 and 69381
    Fixes in code work with original caster guid.

    * Add 2 function for 2 used way for original caster
    - GetAffectiveCaster(), is posible NULL unit as source spell affects
    (explcit caster, GO owner, caster of aura that trigering affect)..
    - GetCastingObject(), possible NULL world object as in game spell
    source, cast center, etc, need because original caster can store GO
    guid that apply effect around. In other cases m_caster
    * Use functions and avoid use explicitly m_originalCaster
    * Use GetAffectiveCaster() for fix explicit GO cast at near unit, like now
    fixed campfire bonus.
    Fix some gcc warnings
    Restore linking in case DatabasePostgre use.
    Restore code style after [9286], [9322].
    Replace leader based indexing groups by group ids.

    * This must repolve problem with loot.
    Before if some mob killed by group member and then leader changed
    then group members can't loot this mob body.
    * Possible resolve crashes at loot. Now group storage content not
    dependent from leader changes.

    scriptdev2 added
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Barchive%5D-mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-4337][Archive] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  5. #34
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  6. #35
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 9328 - 9348
    Implement spell 772 (high ranks) additional damage bonus.
    Add spell chain for 50245/50519 and ranks.
    Fixed msvc compile warnings.
    Implement DB storage of new quest fields RewRepValueIdN

    Value can be -9 to 9. Value point to actual rewarded value in dbc store.
    This id can then fully replace current use of RewRepValueN, as this field
    will most likely be reserved for custom reputation rewards (override
    Old system/DB data will still work like normal, but be aware this may
    change in not too far away future.
    Correct mangos.sql for missing RewRepValueIdN-fields
    Added some comments.
    Check if baseLevel for XP is valid before attempt use data from
    Clarify error log message after rewrite of monster_* to spline_*

    Also change name of related field in code.

    Use single FD_SETSIZE define

    * Remove unused framework/Network/SocketDefines.h
    * Make sure that we have single FD_SETSIZE define in code
    Use ACE PATH_MAX define magic
    Simplify group loading code.
    Use group ids for indexing groups in DB

    * Use group ids in DB
    * Pack used group ids at server startup
    * Finaly drop group search by leader guid.
    Fixed typo in group memeber add sql query.
    Fixed loading chosen player title
    Fixed group creating

    Also prevent not read tail packet spam in soem cases in group handlers.
    Remove unused function.
    Implement show item socket gems in trade window.
    Show enchantment applied to item in trade slot to caster after

    Also more strictly check cases when in spell targets presetn item in trade
    Implement bonuses for spell 50464

    * Implement percent bonus at own Hot at target. Original patch provided by
    * Implement glyph 45603. Original patch provided by Splinter.
    * Rewrite code for spell 60137.
    Restore wild gameobject casting.

    Most visible case: gameobject based teleports.
    Move mangos 0.14/0.15 sql updates in archive subdirs.
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
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    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  7. #36
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 9349 - 9364
    Add posssibility for one action button set per talent spec.
    Add missing update query of [9349].
    Hopefully final fix for sql update of [9349].
    Remove unused varibles
    Simplify code.
    Some fixes to guild/arenateam events.

    Add spell efffects for dual spec.

    Actual dual spec still not implemented.

    Credits to EnderGT for original patch.
    Spell 50464 bonuses dependent from amount HoT types at target, not
    stack size of this HoTs.

    Thanks to LordJZ for research.
    Correct output in case negative value in one error message.
    Propertly show mail data in new mail tooltip for action mails.
    Not use PLAYER_FIELD_ARENA_TEAM_INFO_1_1 directly.
    Load/save current active spec and total spec count.

    Still needed for complete dual spec:
    * support for second glyph set
    * implement gossip options
    * support for second talent set
    Fix the damage of spell 53351 and ranks
    Correct the health increased by spell 55233
    Make specs work at least for action bars

    * Propertly add/remove required for specs work spells at 63624/63651.
    * Copy current spec action bars to new spec at specs count increase, and
    delete action bars data at spec count decrease.
    * Avoid undexpected action button data test for not active spec at
    loading/copy, but test action buttons data at spec activation.
    * Reset active spec to default if active spec removed.
    * Remove talent reset at spec switch that useless at this moment.
    Also note that for future case this also can be not correct and batter
    unlearn/learn only talents that different in specs.

    After this changes specs must fully work in action bar part without
    unexpected another effects.
    Implement new way spell 1535 and ranks work.
    Also implemented spell casting requirement check and proper animation.
    Update diminishing categories.

    YTDB 274
    + All fixes from forum
    + spawn
    + quest scripts
    + mob's gossip menues
    + new templates from WDB
    + filling the new field "RewHonorMultiplier" in "quest_template" from WDB
    + filling the new field "RewRepValueIdX" in "quest_template" from WDB
    + fix pull "rare" mobs
    + World Events - "Love is in the Air" - 45 new quests (full)
    + proccesed 38 caches (3.3.2)
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
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    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  8. #37
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 9365 - 9391
    Implement spell 31226 and ranks in non-consume poison part.
    Fix spell 67228
    Fixes for [9366] for restore server startup and other.

    * Add expected sql update order guards to sql updates
    * Update size of spell id field in spell_bonus_data.

    Note: You need apply new sql updates versions or just re-aplly
    one more time new sql update version if apply already old.
    Fixed my typo in mangos.sql

    Thanks to Dereka for pointing to it.
    Proper secondary target damage for spell 55050 and ranks.
    Implement .reload `quest_poi` (also reload `quest_poi_points`).
    Implement .reload all_gossips

    * For reload `gossip_menu`, `gossip_menu_option`, `gossip_scripts`,
    `npc_gossip`, `points_of_interest` by single command.
    * Also fixed reloading `points_of_interest`.
    Missing whitespace.
    Fixed rune consume at no rune code mods

    Do rune cost calculations only if no no rune cost mod active
    Add possibility for second glyph set.
    Fxies for prev. commit.

    NOTE: DON'T APPLY prev commit version sql update
    Now really correct sql update with content
    Maybe last fix of fix of fix sequence. O.O
    Not report action button porblems at spec activation.

    Action bar copied at spec creating and base at fact that talents not
    possible cases when action bars not apporpriate for created spec.
    So let its drop silencely
    Fix spell 55268
    Some missing in mangos.sql command descriptions.
    Fixed some compile warnings.
    Some missing .reload all_* commands descriptions in mangos.sql
    Move back from archive subdir 9010_01_realmd_realmlist.sql

    This need for correct work git_id tool used by devs.
    All last sql updates for specific DB mangos/characters/realmd must be in
    Resore use uint64 instead time_t in query, some other fixes.
    Lost sql update from [9382]
    Store some config values in Rate emun.
    Fix commit [9386]
    Implement max cast chain length for triggered spells.

    * New config option MaxSpellCastsInChain ( 0 is disabled old way work )
    * Check added for prevent stack overflow crashes in case infinity
    triggered casts sequences
    with more useful error output instead crash.
    * Default config steeing in 10 casts expected to allow all possible in
    game proper cast chains.
    Cleanup config data. Use proper names and expected types.
    Remove unneeded mail related queries on character load.
    Remove unused defanes in Configs enums.
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Barchive%5D-mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-4337][Archive] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  9. #38

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    Wink Good job


  10. #39
    DjAligator's Avatar
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    Mangos 9392 - 9419
    Update creature/gameobject pool at despawn instead spawn prepare.

    This let solve problem with not despawned creature/gameobject at pool
    update in case when related grid not loaded.
    Add init value to config.
    Add expected spell ids to error output.
    Update cmake for mysql_to_pgsql.
    Fixed compilation mysql_to_pgsql on *BSD.
    Fixed unexpected rounding in healamount = healamount *
    Some config enmus fixes.
    Simplify config options loading code.
    Creature relocation acts like instant movement generator, so
    current generator expects interrupt/reset calls to react properly.
    Resolve porblems with waypoints moved/etc after [9400]

    * Move movegen Interrupt/Reset calls from CreatureRelocation that called
    and from another movegens.
    * Add this called to NearTeleportTo creature case and new MonsterMove*
    functions that considered
    as special moves similar instant movegens.
    * NearTeleportTo/MonsterMove functions recomended used instead explicit
    use CreatureReolcation+SendMosterMOve pairs
    for proper reaction at movement from creature movement generators.
    Add enum SpellEffectIndex to use with explicit effect index checks
    Replace number with enum name where explicitly used in array/other
    Fixed glyph apply with with specs.

    This resolve problem when glyph rejetect applied
    at some spec if it applied already at another spec.
    Make all movements instant applied.

    * Drop delayed moves list in Map code
    * Apply movement coords update always at call including movement to
    different cell/grid.
    * Instead removed functionality mark creature as need move notify
    broadcast at next tick, do it.

    This must resolve porblesm with CreatureRelocation in past not always
    update position to new expected at call
    And in resul next code fail or work in strange way. Mark creature for
    notifier call at next Update
    let safe main part remopved functionality implemented in another way:
    prevent cascade (or infinity chain)
    in move updates. In fiture possible implement move notify call not at each
    tick for save time.
    Documentation mail system.
    If instance have reset time not let rate make it less 1 day.

    This also fix crash at instance reset data loading at server startup.
    Add MAX_EFFECT_INDEX to enum SpellEffectIndex and use it.
    Use SpellEffectIndex as arg type for spell effect handlers.
    Correct a typo in enum name, CAST_INTERRUPT_PREVIOUS
    More SpellEffectIndex using in apropriate cases

    Add #include DBCEnum.h for headers where SpellEffectIndex used.

    This must fix Unix build problem.
    Use SpellEffectIndex in EffectDummy* script calls.

    Scripts used this script calls will need update...
    Some lost changes for prev. commit.
    Dome not catched cases for MAX_EFFECT_INDEX use.
    Implement dummy effect of spell 46606
    Correct spelling of horizontal.
    Implement dummy effect of spell 45980
    Implement dummy effect of spell 45990

    YTDB 281
    + all fixes from forum;
    + spawn;
    + quest scripts
    + mob's gossip menues
    + new template from WDB
    + update vendors: "Arena Season 8" + "Tier 10" - FULL
    + fix column "type_flag" in "creature_template" from WDB
    + Vault of Archavon: - "Toravon the Ice Watcher"
    + full respawn veins: Kalimdor
    + Event: "Kalu'ak Fishing Derby"
    + processed 87 caches (3.3.2)
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-2232] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
    [http://mmopro.net/forums/f155/%5Barchive%5D-mangos-ytdb-scriptdev2-changelog-4337][Archive] Mangos + YTDB + Scriptdev2 + Changelog
    Also you can find my releases on my forum

  11. #40
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    Nice Work


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