SPP Classics Collection Updated

This repack supports Vanilla (1.12) & The Burning Crusade (2.4.3) versions

Main features:

  • Ike3's latest playerbots system

  • Ike3's random bots that populate the world

  • Mangosbot AddOn for easy bot control (1.12 only)

  • Regular updates from Ike3's repo

  • Installer with possibility to load only one version

  • SPP Classics launcher with update feature

  • Saves import from old SPP Classics repack

How to Install:

SPP Classics v1.0

  • Vanilla (1.12) & The Burning Crusade (2.4.3) support included.


  • Scroll down and download SPP_Classics.exe. (NOT Source code.zip)
  • Installer is a 7z self exctacting archive, it will extract "SPP_Classics" folder where you put it.
  • It is recommended to use SSD if you have one
  • Run it and click Extract
  • Open the unpacked SPP_Classics folder and run Server_Update.bat and wait for it to download all necessary files. (~300 MB).
  • After it is ready you will see Expansion selection menu.
  • Expansions are downloaded "per request", e.g. TBC files (maps/mmaps...) are only downloaded if you select TBC expansion.
  • Select desired expansion by typing expansion menu number and hit Enter. Expansion files will be downloaded and installed automatically.
  • DO NOT close the launcher during the process!
  • When its ready you will see Expansion menu, with "Start Servers (Win64)" and other options.

Bot Addon

  • You can find latest Mangosbot AddOn for 1.12 WoW in SPP_Server/Addons folder. Copy Mangosbot folder in WoW/Interface/AddOns/


  • Before you start, you can edit the Settings in SPP_Classics/SPP_Server/Settings/%expansion%/ folder


Find these settings:

AiPlayerbot.MinRandomBots = 200
AiPlayerbot.MaxRandomBots = 200
AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMinLevel = 1
AiPlayerbot.RandomBotMaxLevel = 60

AiPlayerbot.RandomBotAccountCount = 50

  • By default bot/bot account number is 200/50. For better experience keep this ratio around 5/1, e.g. 500/100, 1000/200 etc.
  • Important!: if you change bot/acc number later, you will need to do "6- reset randombots" for changes to take effect.
  • You can leave other settings unchanged.


  • here you can change XP and other rates. Look for "SERVER RATES" and change them if you want.

Importing save from old SPP Classics repack

Starting server

  • To start server, choose "Start Servers (Win64)" and wait for it to load.
  • It will take longer to boot for the first time, because random bot characters will be created.
  • To create an account, choose option in the menu and follow the instructions.
  • To log in - edit realmlist.wtf file - "set realmlist localhost"

Shutting down

  • DO NOT close anything by pressing [X] "close" button in the upper-right corner.
  • Open the window with Expansion menu and choose "0 - Shutdown all servers" option. It will close everything automatically.
  • If you don't want any rollback after shutdown, do this instead:

  1. execute "saveall" command (".saveall" if you do this in-game)
  2. execute "ser shut 1" (".ser shut 1") command and wait until mangosd.exe window closes itself
  3. choose "shutdown all servers"

Starting server after shutdown

  • You can use Server_Update.bat to install any available updates & start the server.
  • Or you can use Server_Start.bat to start the server without checking for updates.

Please, report any bug here


SOURCE: https://github.com/celguar/spp-class...eases/tag/v1.0

Credits: celguar

› See More: SPP Classics Updated Vanilla (1.12) Repack