ok i need some help im setting up an official teamspeak for my website and my clans and guilds but im not good enough to make an icon for my server or my website i need an icon 16x16 to use as my favecon and my ts icon along with my server staff icon all i need is a plain background with the letters PDX in it that the letters are visible i will depending on how good it is but i promise no less than 3 rep do to how hard it is to make a icon that small thanks in advance to who ever can make this happen if you would like to check out my website to see how the icon would play into it go to parodyx.info and if you would like to see what i would like to do with the icon on my teamspeak the info is parodyx.dyndns.info port 9987 and me and my team has implented a ranking system based on the us armys ranks each person is assigned a rank to start with and based on how helpful they are and how active they are they advance through ranks and if you are a combat arms player your in game rank is also displayed again thanks to whoever can make this happen

[PDX Admin] dzro