Hi All ,thought i'd share this since i'm not using it atm ,2 little errors that need to fixed and easy enough if you go thru the code of the skin ,the moderator/admin delete post needs to be readded and the text under forum category name isn't displaying

to install

1/First upload the "images-warcry-img.xml.gz" into your Admin folder.

2/In ACP install a new skin browse to where "warcry.xml.gz" is and install it naming the skin as you wish.

3/In the image part of new skin do not browse to where the "images-warcry-img.xml.gz" you downloaded, in the box below type the name including the .gz and it will load it direct from the admin folder make sure you name the image folder name as "WarCry_img"

4/replacements is not needed ,skin installed

the account/profile page is the same as warcry if you get someone to code the backend features into it will be no different than a cms

download link :

Credits : wattz