OK hello all i know that MMoPro.net is up from today so when every one come here and when see this make application if you want please... i need help for mmopro repack MysteriousSouL told me to i make it but i wanna to it be perfect so i will need lil help .....
Here are apps...

Developer Application

Name (surname):
Looking for: (full time, Part time)
Skills: (sql, LUA, C++, Core)
Brief Description of you:
Online hours:
Why are you a good Developer:

Web Master Application

Name (surname):
Looking for: (type of layouts)
Skills: (php, Html, Mysql,Css,psd)
Brief Description of you:
Online hours:
Why are you a good Web master:

Hoster Application

Name (surname):
How much you can host on day?
What is your internet connection?

And i wont accept lazy leechers...
See ya