Welcome to Project Smod's 255 fun-server thread

Which features do we have ?

* Latest TrinityCore *
* 99% Uptime *
* Daily Fixes *
* Custom Items & Quests & Instances *
* Starter Gear and all the way up to 255*
* Custom teleporter *
* Working Dodge - Haster - Weapon Skills for 255 *
* Vote & Donation Rewards *
* Custom Patch ( to make our custom items work " this includes cata item displays " ) *
* We do have a host *

Positions you can apply for

* GM * - Unavailable
* Database Dev * - Unavailable
* C++ Dev * - Available
* Server Manager * Available ( Manages the staff team )

Requirements ( Read before you apply )

´ It's a requirement to be active 3 - 6 Hours a day ( Exceptions can be made ) `
´ You must have worked atleast 6 months as SQL developer before you can apply `
´ You must speak fluent English `
´ More Requirements to come. `

How to Apply
We do not have a forum just yet, Therefore you will need to add my skype to be able to apply

Skype: Hejhej123321
