Hi all!
I made a wow server 4.0.6a and I need a host....
Host takes over 40% of the donation

Server Include-Core,MYSQL,Apache

-- All Normal WoW Instances Works --

-- All TBC Instances Works ---

-- All Wotlk Instances Works --

-- Cataclsym Instances --

-Vortex Pinnacle - works
-Blackrock Caverns -Works
-Halls of Origination -Works
-Grim Batol - works
-Deadmines - works
-Shadowfang Keep - Works
-Zul'Aman - Works
-Zul'Gurub - Works
-Baradin Hold - Works
-Bastion of Twilight - Works
-Blackwing Descent - Works
-Lost City of the Tol'vir - Works
-The Stonecore -Not Works
-Throne of the Tides -Not works
-Throne of the Four Winds - Not Working

-- Cataclsym Non Instances Zone Spawned --
1.Hyjal 99%
2.Twilight Highlands 99%
3.Tol Barad 100%
4.Ruins of Glineas 70%
5.The Lost Isle 5%
6.Vashj'ir 5%

Note 1:All Bg Works spells works 97% and talent 95% .
Note 2ont forget to open the game with cata Pacth (dont not open with wow.exe).
Note 3:Worgens starting place spawned and scripted and quest functionaly 95% .
Note 4:Goblins starting plcae 50% spawned and scripted .
Note 5:All portals fixed and spawned where they should be .
Note 6:Percent of working quest 80% .
Note 7:Items 95% from all .

-Skype : alcadeias.mihai
-Yahoo : [email protected]
-GMail : [email protected]

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