I've stumbled upon this program a while ago, I thought it was really helpful and amazing when I used it. Hope it helps you guys as much.

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Reduces your latency / gives better ping times in World of Warcraft (and other Multiplayer Games) by optimizing network registry settings (Windows default setting are intentionally causing delays on small packets and ACKs).

The tool is based on following articles:
WoW Forums -> International Lower Ping HOWTO + Observations
Boosting Socket Performance on Linux mattgadient.com » KB935458 v2 - Vista hotfix for TcpAckFrequency
Server locations, Latency & Australia - Page 8 - Elitist Jerks
WoW-Europe.com Foren -> Latenz in WoW permanent verbessern.

Faster Ping optimizes network registry settings in order to turn off ACK delays and small packet delays. Windows intentionally delays small packets and waits until more data can be sent, which is a good idea for non-realtime applications. But in Multiplayer and MMO games the focus is on sending all packets (like move_left, cast_spell, ...) immediately to the server, even if they are only 1 byte in size. Faster Ping turns off these network delays which improves latency and ping times significantly.

You must have Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed (XP with Service Pack and Vista already have it) to run this application. You can get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...b-4362-4b0d-8e
Thats the quote.

Download and Source: Faster Ping | World of Warcraft Tools | World of Warcraft @ Curse.com

Works for all games.