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Ferib's Dot Map

What Does Ferib's Dot Map do?

Ferib's Dot Map is a tool that allows you to see all players on a external map. This means you can also see enemy players by using this tool. The external map is visible on our website, this means you can share our website with your team so they also know where the enemys are. You cannot get banned for vieuwing a website like this. So your team does not risk to get banned, only if you use the tool to send the data to the website.

How Does It Work?

Atleas one player in the battleground has to open a third-party programme that will scan the battleground. The tool can be downloaded from here and is free to use. A new 'room' will be visible on the website after you started the tool. Now you can share the website with your team and enjoy the battleground.

Where Can I Download The Tool?

Here is a list of suported versions + download links

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