Passive is not to be confused with the best!

Hello everyone,

I am a long time player, since 2005 and we all know how painful it is to grind when you simply dont have your youth anymore. There are many bots out there, many which have fishing. Why should you pick mine over the others? No reason. You pick which ever you want. But remember the good old days with LazyBot? Yes, this bot is based on that bot, being 100% passive.

Not gonna lie, this is something I concocted in 3 hours for myself, depending on the response I might make a real application out of it. This is the absolute first version I am releasing, simply confirming that it is working. No error checks are available.
- 100% passive (No writing/reading)
- Lightweight (consumes nothing, 80kb)
- Automates fishing
- No interface (for now)
- No pixelfiddling
- Timer

- Not very reliable , misses the splash sometimes
- Snatches your mouse
- No interface (for now)
- Wonky to use

Minimum information at the moment, no interface.

Settings that need to be set, interact with mouseover

Settings that need to be set, fishing skill on hotkey "1"

Positioning is key

Angle your camera and zoom in so the bobber is as large as possible

Written in C#, requires .Net 4.6.1 - Creteaa

Follow these steps before running the application.

1. Start the World of Warcraft client.
2. Log in to your character of choice with the fishing profession.
3. Make sure the hotkey for fishing is "1". Nothing else works at the moment.
4. Enable Interact with mouseover and set it to "U" as seen in "Settings.png". Nothing else works at the moment.
5. Stand where you want to fish, adjusting is not possible when the program is running.
6. Launch LazyFish and input amount of minutes to bot.
7. Press Enter to start botting.

v0.4 alpha
- Minimum random delay now 240ms
- Can now set to scan in column mode or in row mode

v0.3 alpha
- Some settings can be customized

v0.2 alpha
- Window always on top and a resized to something more acceptable. (this makes it a lot easier to quit)
- Clearing out information after each bite
- Slowed down the bobber finder by a factor of ****ing 5.
- Made square where it looks for bobber smaller (33% width, 38-42% heigth) was previously (33% width, 55% heigth). Always 8-12% from the top, 33% from the left.
- Made random delay longer (from 30ms to 700ms) was previously (50 to 150)
- Doubled the delay it waits for splash detection

v0.1 alpha hotfix
- Enabled looting again

v0.1 alpha
- Slowed down mouse movement to 50% (should help people with low fps)
- Increased random delay between actions
- Added timer, default is 60 minutes
- Added X check making the splash detection, theoretically, twice as accurate (still has its flaws and misses)
Virustotal scan

Updated 26/08
Latest update: v0.4 alpha

-> External download link <-