Currently updated and working with 3.3.2 11403

1.Download and extract the files to a folder
2.Make sure you have the latest .Net Framework including service packs

1.Start wow as Administrator
2.Start MrFishIt as Administrator
2.Log into your World of Warcraft account
3.Go to you favorite fishing spot
4.Setup the options as you wish select lure options for stopping etc...
5.Press start it's the big grey button in the top left corner


How It Works
It Read/Writes from/to wow to get Object's and to Interact with them (no ****ing color recognition
It check's if your dead alive etc. Works on Vista x64/Xp/Windows7

Shynd for his blog
MaiN for doing all the lua
Seifer for writing the ToS
Robske for the JChat chatreader

And everybody else in the memory editing section

Legal Note And Misc

Not to be distributed outside of ******* unless i give my permission!

The Downloads

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86)
Download details: .NET Framework 3.5
MrFishIt 4.2.6 | Cerb3ruz

WG Botter - Automatically accepts popup boxes in WG

Useful Addons
Loot Filter - Addons - Curse
Karni's Crap Filter - Addons - Curse

If you like this application and would like to see further updates please consider donating,
gamecards, accounts or an ammount to my paypal

Mini tutorial on how to write a plugin

Mini tutorial on how to write a plugin:
1. Reference Medusa and Medusa.Plugin and Medusa the rest speaks of itself!
2. Documentaion included and you can ofcourse use the intellisense and the object browse

using System;
using Medusa.Memory_Read_Write_Inject.Lua;
using Medusa.Object_Dumping_Enumeration;
using Medusa.Plugin;

namespace WGBotter
    public class WGBotter : Extension
        #region Overrides of Extension

        private byte FrameLimiter { get; set; }

        public override void Pulse()
            if (++FrameLimiter % 10 == 0)
                if (ObjectManager.Me != null &&  ObjectManager.Me.RealZoneText == "Wintergrasp")
                    Lua.DoString("StaticPopup1Button1:Click()  StaticPopup2Button1:Click() LeaveParty()");

                FrameLimiter = 0;

        public override string Name
            get { return "Wg Botter"; }

        public override string Author
            get { return "Nesox"; }

        public override Version Version
            get { return new Version(1, 0, 0); }


v1.0.0 Released 2008/10/05
Initial Release
v1.0.1 Released 2008/10/06
Added a button so you can  refresh the list with running wow processes
v1.0.2 Released 2008/10/07
Fixed the function that changes the title of the wow  windows
v1.0.3 Released 2008/10/07
Fixed so it wont crash if you press stop before you  start it
v1.0.4 Released 2008/10/08
Will now rename wow windows properly
v2.0.0 Released 2008/10/24
Updated for 3.0.2 9056 and some other minor stuff  fixed updated gui etc
v3.0.0 Released 2008/12/13
Total rewrite
 more detection added
 The issue with infinite casting is solved
 Added lots of options and now saves and uses key  bindings different & properly
v3.0.1 Released 2008/12/13
Changed some build options
v3.0.2 Released 2008/12/17 
Changed the way options  are stored and loaded
v3.0.3 Released 2008/12/17
Removed the old way of storing options and rewrote  it so it now uses application settings
v3.0.4 Released 2008/12/18
Changed the build options hopefully it runs on 64  bit Os now
v3.0.5 Released 2009/01/24
Updated for 3.0.8
 can use injection for looting reluring and casting  spells altho it's a little buggy at the moment but ill update it soon  again
 More timing options prioritizing lures (only works  when injection is turned on) also the possibility to chat when botting  if injection is turned on
v3.0.6 Released 2009/01/25
Update for the injection issues, works nicely now
v3.0.7 Released 2009/01/26
Added a textbox for polename and some other extra  options
v3.0.8 Released 2009/01/27
Changed the way string are being read and added some  stuff for the debug window
v3.0.9 Released 2009/01/27
Added a textbox for the skillname
v3.1.0 Released 2009/01/28
Removed the options for skill and polename
 Will autodetect the pool again
 Autodetect what client you are using and choose the  appropriate skillname
 Some minor bugs where also fixed
v3.1.1 Released 2009/01/28
Changed one of the polenames for the russian client
v3.1.2 Released 2009/02/01
Now it reads the skillnames & polesnames  from 2 xml files also fixed the logout & stop when inventory is full  option
v3.1.3 Released 2009/02/11
Updated for 3.0.9 9551
Changed the clientnames in the pole and skillnames  xml
some general code cleanup
v3.1.4 Released 2009/02/22
The injection features should be working again
 Problems with the path to the xml files has been  fixed
v3.2.0 Released 2009/04/19
Total Rewrite
 Updated for 3.1.0 9767
 Selective Looting added, thanks MaiN!
 Removed the Polenames & Skillnames.xml now  reading the ids out of the client
 Major performance improvement
v3.2.1 Released 2009/04/23
Bugs in the form fixed
 Updated Lua_DoString and made it patch resistant
 Fixed the saving so it will save all properties  properley
 Updated some other functions for 3.1.1
 Changed the way it renames windows
v3.2.2 Released 2009/05/21
Uses  DLL Injection for interact & lua_dostring now.
 hopefully it saves the options properly
 some minor stuff.
v3.2.3 Released 2009/06/04
Updated for
 Interact should work on x64 now changed all the  DWORD's into DWORD_PTR
v3.2.3b Released 2009/06/07
ConsolePrint  working if u look in the console u could see if the library was  sucessfully inject
 incase it's not looting that could be the reason.
 Anti Afk
 Loottable should work better now too
v4.0.0 Released 2009/06/21
Rewrite, using the FSM  implementation Apoc posted a while ago :)
 New Form
 Saving/Loading settings work now
 Loottable is working
v4.0.1 Released 2009/06/28
Fixed some minor bugs
v4.0.2 Released 2009/07/03
Decreased the time it takes  looting-> and then throwing again
 readded the notfyicon and made it hide the main form  when minimizing
 some other shitz...
v4.0.3 Released 2009/07/08
New gui! :D
 Thank's to Apoc for being awesome as allways 
 moved it from my regular framework and made a  seperate one for MrFishIt
 Some code cleanup
v4.1.0 Released 2009/08/06
Updated for
 Some minor changes to the GUI
v4.1.0b Released 2009/08/06
Changed the adress of the string  representing the locale
v4.2.1 Released 2009/09/26
Updated for ;)
v4.2.1a Released 2009/09/30
Fixed the anti afk bug

v4.2.2 Released 2009/10/15
Merged MrTrackIt with MrFishIt
fixed the bug where it picks up the pole when using the fishing hat

v4.2.3 Released 2009/11/08
Arbitrary loading of states

v4.2.4 Released 2009/12/10
Updated for
Much improved temporary enchant detection of items
v4.2.4a Released 2009/12/14
Updated for

v4.2.5 Released 2010/10/28
Bugfixes - Whisper shizzle should work again
Removed the dynamic compilation of states
Added Extensions - It's possible to write plugins for MrFishIt now  making it do what you want!

v4.2.6 Released 2010/02/12
No more whacky antiafk

Originally Posted by Nesox