Hi there guys, i had quit WoW some months back after grinding a lot, and decided to Sell My account. I have 4 max level chars lvl 60 3 horde and 1 ally.

So want to sell as soon as possible, also can send payment via Paypal.

Will show all armories down below and other pic, besides the 4 level 60's i got other alts but those ones were my main, comment if interest or make best offer with contact.

https://retail.safe-armory.com/en/ch.../619be3895d1ce Druid

https://retail.safe-armory.com/en/ch.../619be6e986305 Mage

https://retail.safe-armory.com/en/ch.../619be2cc01707 Warrior

https://retail.safe-armory.com/en/ch.../619be77201306 Paladin

https://prnt.sc/20mtcv0 druid on character screen

https://prnt.sc/20mtkue Pala on character screen

https://prnt.sc/20mtnhs Warrior on char screen.

My Discord id is DannyGuy#7134