the way to have 3000 arena personnal rating:

what you need :
-a friend
-a 2v2 arena team
-for the second part an other team 2v2 with an another friend

1part, loose team rating:
With your first friend, you need to chain arena match, juste leave arena when two characters get in.
when you loose only 1or 2 points per loosing go to part 2

2part, loose team 2 rating:
with the second team do it again, if only one character get in, i'ts fine, just wait the end of the prepair minute
do it unless you loose only 1or 2 points per loosing

3part, loose teams rating:
goto arena in the same time (use teamspeack for timer : 1,2,3 click)
if you fight together, the first team need to loose, if not juste leave arene for loosing rating
when you loose again 1or 2point per loosing go to part 4

4part: exchange teams:
you don't move, juste exchange your friend in the first team with your friend in the second team
continue part 3 until your team rating become 0

When your rating become 0, your personnal rating normally become 0 too,loose an other match and TADAAA 3000 personnal arena rating
so have fun with hauts faits (sorry cant translate this)

the reasons: no limit for personnal rating, so the rating gain the most possible value ololē

how to use this: when you have your HUGE personnal rating, juste use 2friends to gain 2000 arena team value,
and if you have arena points you can buy everything you want

Enjoy, use this before it is hotfixed.