While doing my farms for the Love Rocket, I noticed a minor exploit that allows you to create more than 10 instances per hour.

The exploit lies in how the system counts different instances. As of today, you're limited to join 10 different instances per hour
per realm location

What does that mean? Means you have 10 instances per hour in each of the different tabs in the realm selection screen:

Which means you can do a total of 40 instances per hour if you really wanted, being 10 in the United States realms, 10 in the Oceanic realms, 10 in the Latin America realms and 10 in the Brazil realms.

I tested this doing 10+8 runs in one hour, being 10 in realms from the Brazil tab and 8 in realms on the United States tab.

Not sure how are realm tabs grouped by in Europe, but it should work in a similar way, but it is worthwhile to test it.

This exploit is minor because mostly people that already have toons on different tabs can exploit this for dungeon mount farming (or in order to complete all your 20 Love Rocket runs in the same hour).

You can run 10 instances per hour per realm ta

› See More: Minor: more than 10 Instances per hour