Hello Everybody

1.Go to Free URL Redirection, No Ads! Short Free Domain Name (you.co.nr)

2.scroll page down until you see this ˝Check if your Free .CO.NR Domain Name is still available:˝

3.type website name which you would like to use.I will use wow-ownage

4.after you entered name you want press ˝Check!˝

5.On next page scroll page down and you will see this

Press ˝I want to singup for this domain˝

6.On next page you need to pass a little test after you finish everything in there press ˝Next Step˝

7.On net page you need to read Terms of Service and you must agree with them

8.On next page first you must enter informations about you(your first name,last name,country,e-mail)

9.After that you chose password and you need to put link to the site which you want to have this domain.

.After you do that press ˝Next Step˝

11.On next page you chose Name of your Site,category,description and keywords.

12.After you do that press ˝Next Step˝

13.On next page you will see all info you entered

14.press ˝Complete˝

15.open e-mail which you got from [email protected] and scroll it down until you dont see something like this

IMPORTANT: Account Activation - Please read carefully!
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In order to begin using your new .CO.NR domain name
you have to activate your account.

Here is the information you will need:

Domain: wow-ownage.co.nr

Username: wow-ownage
Password: *******

Activation Code: 1239903455

To activate your .CO.NR Domain name account go to
Free URL Redirection, No Ads! Short Free Domain Name (you.co.nr)

and enter your Username, Password and Activation code.
16.Open the link from e-mail and Enjoy in your co.nr domain

Example site : WoW-Ownage

› See More: How to get co.nr domain :p