After a week or so of research on Thottbot I have finally came up with the best possible build and enchants. I have decided to use a 1h weapon and a shield because u get almost the same dps and u get to use block and u get the extra armor.

1h Weapon- Shadowfang Enchant-Strength or Lifestealing

Shield- Redbeard Crest Enchant-Felsteel Shield Spike

Head- Green Tinted Goggles Enchant-Lesser Arcanum of Constitution

Shoulder- Serpent's Shoulders

Chest- Blackened Defias Armor Enchant-Major Health

Back- Sentry Cloak Enchant-Dodge

Wrist- Cavedweller Bracers Enchant-Superior Strength

Hands- Thorbia's Gauntlets Enchant-Greater Strength

Waist- Cobrahn's Grasp

Legs- Mighty Chain PantsEnchant-Nethercleft Leg Armor

Feet- Silver-Linked Footgaurds Enchant-Greater Stamina

Neck- Scout's/Sentinel's Medallion

Ring 1- Protector's/Legionnaire's Band

Ring 2- Seal of Wrynn or Blood Ring if your Horde

Trinkets 1 and 2- Arena Grand Master


Proffesion 1- Engineering- Make Green Tinted Goggles and keep all the Heavy Dynamite because it will help with killing other twinks.

Proffesion 2- Jewelcrafting-Not really needed but it is nice to have Heavy Stone Statue which will help when your health is low.

First Aid- Max out first aid then go and buy a bunch of Heavy Runecloth Bandages which will help you with recovering your massive amount of health.

Some items that will help you.

Netherweave Bags- To hold all your crap

Elixer of Giant Growth

Strong Troll's Blood Potion

Swiftness Potion

Minor Wizard Oil

Heavy Sharpening Stone

Minor Magic Resistance Potion

Heavy Stone Statue

Heavy Dynamite

Mageweave Bandage's

Scroll of Protection II

Scroll of Strength II

Rumsey Rum Black Label

Healing Potion

If you have all this and your using all the extra buffs then you should have no problem taking a rogue twink. Unless you suck in that case your hopeless and there isn't much anybody can do.