An Introduction to: The Warlock!

Warlocks were mages that delved too deeply into the roots of demonic power. Consumed by a lust for dark knowledge, they've tapped into chaotic magics from beyond the world. The Burning Legion now feeds them their powers, allowing them to channel destructive energies and call upon the powerful emissaries of their demon masters. ~ Blizzard Entertainment

Most of us that use this site are somewhat familiar with the Warlock and what it can do, after all, that's what we're all about here. But for those still trying to decide if the Warlock is the right class for you, this is a quick introduction to our class and what we do.

Blizzard says:
Warlocks are masters of shadow, flame, and demonic power. They are a robed class that excels at plaguing their enemies with disease or curses, hurling bolts of fire or shadow energy across the battlefield, and summoning demons to aid them in combat. While warlocks are powerful casters that deal damage from a distance, their demonic powers can also protect or support their allies in battle, or even summon other players from across the world using ritual magic to conjure portals.

Warlocks have both powerful damage spells (primarily dealing over time) and debuff spells that work well in conjunction with each other and with the abilities of their group mates. They have Curses for many occasions; in fact, they can easily be considered the best debuffers in the game. Their pets, too, help with the damage dealing and grant the Warlock extra abilities to put to use. They can also control crowds well with Seduction and Banish, and provide limited support in the form of their summoned stones.

To read more about the background of the Warlock, Lore and information on notable Warlocks, please see our Lore page.

Our Spells
Warlocks are spell casters by nature, damage dealers of the slow and painful kind. Damage over Time spells, otherwise known as DoT's, are the bread and butter of a Warlock and just as the name describes, our spells do their damage over a short period instead of delivering it all in one blow like the Mage. Not all of our spells are this way however, for there are many Warlocks out there that make use of our Direct Damage (DD) spells such as Shadowbolt, Searing Pain and others.

As if those weren't enough, Warlocks are the king of Curses, boasting a different Curse for nearly every situation you can think of. We can slow a spell casters cast time, we can weaken the damage of a melee opponent, stop someone from running or lower their resistance to different schools of magic. Along with those curses and the ability to summon Healthstones to heal our comrades, Soulstones to allow a dead group member to rez, Warlocks make very viable friends to have.

For more information on any of our spells, please make use of the links under the Spells & Talents menu on the left.
Alongside our lovely damage output and functionality, Warlocks are a pet class that commands summoned minions from the Demonoic realms to do their bidding. And just like the rest of our class, we have a different minion for every situation possible. From the nuking Imp, to the tanking Voidwalker and Felguard, we can eat both detrimental and beneficial spells of ourselves or others with the Felhunter or seduce any Humanoid around with our Succubus. And that's not even including the unpredictable Infernal and Doomguard we can call upon!

For more information on each pet, the quests to obtain them or their abilities, please look under the Pet Info menu heading to your left.

Warlocks are very lucky in that we can play our class to pretty much any style we choose. Each talent tree allows for, and caters to, a different style of killing in a multitude of possibilities, which makes us all very versatile. It would stretch this page out to beyond the imagination if we were to list all of the possibly play styles in just one place, however if you can think of a way to play, we have the spells and talents to help you perfect it. Unlike other sites (aka the official forums), we are Warlocks full of open minds and different ideas, we encourage the unusual and experimental and we never know what little trick or tid bit of information we might find.

If you want to know more, start by having a look at our in-depth talent tree pages:

Although Warlocks are restricted to cloth armor, with stamina being one of the primary statistics we focus on, we are very rarely lacking in the hitpoints department. Life tap is a staple spell of most Warlocks, and because this converts our health into mana, the more health we have, the larger the mana pool we have to play with. There is however much more involved in the types of armor (and weapons) Warlocks aim for, but thankfully there is a whole section dedicated to what goes on our backs. For more information on What Warlocks Wear, please have a look at the Armor & Weapons sections of the menu to your left.
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A Beginner's Guide to PvP

The place to start with inter-player combat (PvP), in my opinion, is in a battleground (BG): Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, Strand of the Ancients, and, for all practical purposes, Wintergrasp.
  • Dueling and arenas tend to involve experienced opponents in good PvP gear. It’s hard to learn from your mistakes when you are dead before you can do anything.
  • Also, BGs involve new scenery, lore, strategies, and sometimes quests, which makes them more interesting to players motivated by more than killer instinct.
  • PvP realms are even worse for beginners, because the experienced, overgeared opponents you face often outlevel you as well.

I haven’t tried the Grizzly Hills dailies, but on some realms, those may be fun too. I understand Halaa is generally dead. Raids against enemy towns/cities are fun, but often hard to organize.

Battlegrounds will contain a lot of well-geared, experienced PvPers, sometimes in pre-made groups that actually communicate with each other, but these groups are now limited to five people. However, most BGers are either not very experienced, or not too keen on learning from experience. They don’t communicate effectively and PvP in ordinary questing gear. You may be able to kill many of these even more easily than they can kill you, and it will be fun!

You can start PvPing pretty early as you level, but don’t. Battlegrounds become are separated by level brackets: i.e. 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, and 80 for Alterac Valley, but unless you are close to the top of a bracket, you are a liability for your team:

  • Your health will be relatively low, so you are an easy kill.
  • Your attacks are likely to miss high-level opponents.
  • Between your relatively weaker gear and your lack of trained abilities, you just aren’t going to be as effective as you will if you level up.

Outside of Dalaran, you click on an appropriate battlemaster (the city guards can tell you where to find these) to join. Your faction has a hall in Dalaran with portals to the BG’s and to Wintergrasp when it’s time for the battle.

Learn about each Battleground and its Objectives

A word to the wise: Winning a battleground is not about killing the greatest number of enemy players. It’s about achieving the objectives, which depend on the battleground, and generally involve controlling bases and/or capturing flags. You often have to kill other player characters (PCs) to accomplish this, but it matters greatly where and when they die. If you can heal, do it, again, strategically! Healing is often as important as DPS in accomplishing objectives.

Even once you know where everything is, how to cap flags, take bases, and/or operate vehicles, there are going to be finer points of strategy that take time to learn. Just because you’ve got the flag in Eye of the Storm, it’s not always good strategy to “cap” it immediately. There are lots of strategy guides out there, your teammates will type advice in chat (not always right, but worth listening to), and you’ll learn from experience.

Strength in Numbers

Find a group of teammates (especially ones who look like they know what they’re doing) and follow them. Help them achieve objectives and kill enemy players. Experienced players will sometimes solo objectives or guard bases, but there’s not much you could do if attacked except to tell your team in chat where the enemy is attacking you… and then it’s usually too late to matter.

If you are alone, and a group of the enemy catches you,

  • The enemy will focus-fire you – that is, all attack you, and you die fast!
  • You are unlikely to be able to defend yourself from more than one opponent at a time: crowd-control (CC), counter-spell, parry, etc. are generally most useful against a single opponent.
  • One of them is likely to CC you so you can’t even run.

If you are with a group,
  • The enemy is unlikely to focus-fire anyone. Remember, it’s a BG and people don’t communicate much.
  • If they do focus-fire, and they target you, keep them busy while your friends kill them, or better yet while they rescue the flag or complete some other BG objective
  • If you are not focus-fired or CCed, you can CC/damage/focus on BG objectives.

Gear for Stamina and Resilience if Possible

Most PCs can do a great deal more damage than non-elite monsters. Surviving long enough to actually make progress on objectives is the tough part. Stamina gives you more health, resilience reduces some of the worst damage you’ll be taking (from crits and DoTs).

If you are past level 70, you can buy tolerable PvP gear from faction quartermasters. These are five-piece rare (blue) battlegear sets (i.e. Dreadweave Battlegear). You need to be honored with the faction to buy the piece it sells:
  • Gloves – Keepers of Time
  • Helm – Cenarion Expedition
  • Chest – Thrallmar/Honor Hold
  • Legs – Sha’tar
  • Shoulders – Lower City

Once you get to level 80, you can craft or have crafted up to eight pieces (i.e. Frostsavage) of gear with resilience and other decent stats. You can also buy the Savage Gladiator Gear with Emblems of Heroism. Participating in BG’s will allow your character to earn honor, which you can spend on all kinds of PvP in Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

Keep Moving

This is the biggest difference between PvP and PvP (normal questing and monster-killing): you need to be moving whenever possible. On my warlock, I could never quite understand why experienced players kept strafing around enemy, but when I started PvP on my rogue I realized why, it’s very hard to melee PCs who aren’t immediately in front of you. If you’re a caster, you should use rather different spells than usual, especially instant-casts that allow you to move.

Eventually, you’ll want to learn to strafe (move left and right) rather than turn, to turn with the mouse rather than with keyboard keys, and to gradually bind PvP-oriented abilities, like instant-casts and crowd-control measures to your keyboard, so that it’s easy to move and fight at the same time. There are a lot of great guides on hotkeys, turning with the mouse, and so forth, but I recommend shifting gradually.

Check out Thralock’s Movement, Hotkeys, Keybinds, Click and Control

You’ll want to look at class guides and forums to see which abilities are recommended for PvP and for ideas on how to use them
guide. .

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