
Recently I was looking at ways to increase my XP rate, but with minimal problems (no dungeons, no battlegrounds etc.) So, I had a quick think, and decided to try Grinding - yes, you may be thinking that's slow, boring and doesn't really work. But here's the thing, it DOES work, extremely well.

I'll begin by showing you where you should start.

Red - Begining
Black - Ending
Cyan - Route


At the beggining, there are lots and lots of those Moss Giant mobs. This can even be the ONLY spot at which you grind, and you'll see why in the next picture.


I did this today, on my warlock (who was 62, now 64 within 2 hours just doing this). Note, I did not have rested OR BoA when doing this. So you could quite easily be making 500-600k XP per hour with BoA/Rested.

Affliction Warlocks have immense power - high DoT damage and high healing from their DoTs. You may find it more difficult with another class, but it should be do-able all the same.

Good luck!