Quote Originally Posted by onlykl View Post
ohh i remeber now gastricpinguen posted same script on ******* and he told that he made it... . .
are you being sarcastic?, i posted this in february, i made this in december 2008, i don't care where else you've seen it, this was custom made by me for my server, i just took out the event locations we had, you'll even see it's a colour coded menu, I don't even gon on ******* so i don't know where your getting this from.... people assume just because i don't have "emulation expert" tags, or any kind of solid ranks that i leech from other people, who the hell are you to judge? what have you done to help people, im offering the full service with this thing, which clearly shows im nto an idiot and im more than capable of writing thie script.

and thanks blacklisted