Hello guys/girls!
I'm here to offer my "skills" in Movie editing to you guys!
I am graduated movie editor.
I am doing this for free due to I only want to expand my knowledge!
I am willing to edit almost everything, from games to personal film and music video's.

What you have to do:
I must be given a "description" on how you want the movie to go,
if you want any effects on it and so on.
Send me the movie files ofcourse.


What I want in return:
I must have permission to put you're film/movie in my portofolio and
be allowed to upload it to my Youtube channel (This can be discussed)


How to contact me:
You can contact me by PM'ing me here on MMOFuse, "jdhk94" on skype -No quotes-
or by sending a mail to "[email protected]"

You're best, Asbonia!

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